My original code is :

String sql = "select t.* from (select dId, " +
                    "case when substr(dWord, 1, 4) in ('das ', 'der ','die ') " +
                    "then substr(dWord, 5) else dWord end as dWord " +
                    "from german) t where t.dWord like '%' || ? || '%' " +
                    "order by instr(t.dWord, ?), t.dWord";
            c = mydb.rawQuery(sql, new String[] {search, search});

For example when I searched 'A' it show all word stared with Capital 'A' sorted alphabetically and then show words started with 'a' alphabetically. But I want to consider 'a' as 'A' and 'A' as 'a'.What should I change on my code? Edit1 = I know COLLATE NOCASE but i don't know how I use it on my code .

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  • refer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/973541/how-to-set-sqlite3-to-be-case-insensitive-when-string-comparing – sasikumar Nov 15 '19 at 09:51
  • Hi I know COLLATE NOCASE but I don't know where I should add it on my code to it works properly ? – Shayegan Nov 15 '19 at 10:04

2 Answers2


Change the last line of the statement to:

order by instr(lower(t.dWord), lower(?)), lower(t.dWord)

The function lower() will convert both the column value and the search string to lower case, to simulate case insensitive comparison inside the function instr().

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  • Thanks alot . Is it possible to changed a code for consider these letters as similar letter also.example : 'a' as 'a' and 'ä' | 'ä' as 'ä' and 'a' And also for bellow letters as explained example . o/ö - u/ü - ss/ß - – Shayegan Nov 16 '19 at 00:36
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    SQLite is not that flexible at this issue. There are many questions here in SO about it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5492508/ignore-accents-sqlite3, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2841694/how-to-sql-compare-columns-when-one-has-accented-chars, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58874356/how-to-make-my-sqlite-query-case-insensitive/58876037?noredirect=1#comment104039856_58876037, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16282083/how-to-ignore-accent-in-sqlite-query-android, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19906086/problems-ordering-sqlite-by-a-column-with-accented-characters-Á – forpas Nov 16 '19 at 11:01
  • Maybe you can help on this case? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59702535/how-to-write-sqlite-query-to-mysql – Shayegan Jan 12 '20 at 09:35

Use the lower or upper keyword in the column you wanna oder by without case sensitive

SELECT NAME from Customers 
order By lower(NAME);


SQLite lower

Ink Archer
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