Well This is a very common error by xcode and it has so many answer on StackOverflow still I am facing this in a particular situation.

My project is running fine on iOS 11 Deployment target but when I try to downgrade my deployment target to iOS 10, it start to throw Module map file not found for every pod library.

What Have I tried:

  • Updated Podfile platform :ios, '10.0'
  • pod deintegrate then 'pod cleanand after that runpod install`
  • Clean DerivedData folder
  • Clean project couple of times cmd+opt+shit+k & cmd+shit+k
  • Check Objective-C Bridging Header.
  • Revert back deployment target to iOS 11 and it works on iOS 11
  • Removing pod which showing Module map file not found and then it's throwing build error where I have used those library.

How can I get out from this error?

P.S.: It's a mixed project of obj-c and swift 4.2. Xcode version 11.2.1(11B53). Cocoapods version 1.8.4

model Map file not found module map file not found faild to emit precompiled header enter image description here

sz ashik
  • 694
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1 Answers1


From given set of information, it seems you are using color as an asset in your asset catalog like following screenshot

enter image description here

It requires min deployment target ios 11 to work. Stop using this feature if you want to run in ios 10.

Hope it helps.

Ratul Sharker
  • 5,957
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  • Thanks, but I am not using xcassets for colors. [DynamicColor](https://github.com/yannickl/DynamicColor) is a third-party pod – sz ashik Nov 11 '19 at 06:49