my question is, what I have to do to reload a page with javascript. I have written the following function:

  function update(id, name)
            url: baseurl + "/url/action/param/" + id + "/param2/" +  unescape(name),
            success: function(data) {
                if(data.status == '200') {
                else if(data.error) {
            type: "GET",
            dataType: "text"
        return false;

The problem is, that the ajax-request is successfull, the result is a json-object:


But the window doesn't reload. If I use the this line


at firebug and execute it, the browser window reloads.

What could be the problem? Thanks in advance.

  • Are you sure you need to reload? Why would you need to reload. Is there an issue you solve by reloading that may be solved differently? – mplungjan May 03 '11 at 11:09

2 Answers2


Try changing the data type to JSON:

dataType: "json"
Shadow The Vaccinated Wizard
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You have a syntax error end of window.location.reload() . Add semicolon after this line and try again.

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