
I have a scenario that, a string should accept only numbers and comma, In between comma the number should be in range of 0 to 999.

Valid case:


Invalid case:


I tried with this regular expression [0-9{3},/,]+. It only allows comma and numbers.

But how can we restrict to 3 digits in between the comma.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Isn't `[\d{3},]+` enough ? I don't know why you've put `/` in your regex. – naurel Oct 31 '19 at 14:57
  • @naurel not really, unless you want to allow the following characters: digits, `{`, `3`, `}`, `,`. The square brackets denote a character class, so only the *characters* within are allowed. Most of the symbols that have special meaning in regex loose it in there. – VLAZ Oct 31 '19 at 15:02
  • `(?:\d{3}|,)+` might be better. – naurel Oct 31 '19 at 15:04
  • @naurel `"100,200,300,"` passes now. Also `","` or `",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"` and `"100200300"` – VLAZ Oct 31 '19 at 15:10

2 Answers2


This should work:


^ : beginning of line

\d : digit

{3}: 3 times

* : 0 or more times

$ : end of line


In case you do not plan to reuse the group (expression between parantheses) you can make it non-capturing with ?:. It will look like that:


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What you're looking for :


To awnser your exact question .{1,3} means that you want any character to be present between 1 and 3 times. This way you limit occurrences.

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