I am converting PHP code from mysql_ to mysqli_. My DB connection is in a separate file, named "conn.inc" in a parent folder of my regular code. The code in it is ::

function GetDBConn($host="localhost", $user="mydb", $pass="mypass", $db="mydb")   {

    return $dbconn = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db);


In my code files, I have include_once ("../conn.inc"); .

I have code like -

$AuditInsertQ = mysqli_query(GetDBConn(),"INSERT INTO audit (userid, notes) VALUES (\"".$userid."\",  \"".$notes."\")") or die("Error inserting row to Audit: ".mysqli_error($dbconn));

When I run the code, I get a message that ::

PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: dbconn in C:\...

All of the examples I have seen have the DB connection in the same file as the code it was referencing. How do I reference the DB connection when it is in a different file; I thought the "include_once" was the way...?

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2 Answers2


There is so much wrong in this code I don't even know where to start.

  • no need for mysqli_error() at all
  • no need for a function like GetDBConn()
  • mysqli_close() right after connect makes no sense. Thanks to return operator, it never gets called though
  • die() is harmful
  • @ operator is harmful
  • the file extension for conn.inc is harmful
  • the way you are adding variables to your query is most harmful of them all

I know it's hard to find a good tutorial. Internet is full of crappy outdated information. I am writing good tutorials, but Google don't know they are good and don't show them to you. Well at least I can give it to you here in my answer.

Three things you must understand about modern mysqli

  • mysqli can report its errors automatically, no need for mysqli_error()
  • a connection must be made only once, it means there is no use for a function like this
  • no variable should be added to the query directly. You have to use prepared statements with placeholders for the purpose.

In order to fix your code,

  • please read this post. It doesn't explain why you should use prepared statements but take my word for it
  • then read my tutorial on how to connect with mysqi properly
  • rename your file to conn.php or anyone will be able to see your database credentals

Then rewrite your code to

include_once ("../conn.php");
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO audit (userid, notes) VALUES (?,?)");
$stmt->bind_param("ss", $userid,$notes);

For the explanation on what is going on in this code please see my tutorial on how to run an INSERT query with mysqli

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In you function GetDBConn it return a mysql resource, not define a $dbconn variable for you.

Use something like mysqli_query($dbconn = GetDBConn(),"INSERT INTO audit ....


function GetDBConn($host="localhost", $user="mydb", $pass="mypass", $db="mydb")   {

    return $dbconn = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db);


$dbconn is only avaliable in the function, it cannot be accessed outside the function, so define it here is useless.
mysqli_close($dbconn); will never reached.

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