I am using the angular-datatables where chrome auto fill the table search with the email-id.

I tried to override the search with the empty string but still chrome autofill the email-id

  dtTrigger: Subject<any> = new Subject();
  dtOptions: DataTables.Settings = {};

  this.dtOptions = {
  pagingType: 'full_numbers',
  pageLength: 10,
  "dom": '<"top"f>rt<"bottom"lip><"clear">',
  responsive: true,
  search :{
    search : " "


so here search : "anything" it searchs for anything in the table, i tried null option empty string chrome auto fills with email id.

how can force chrome not to fill email in the search input.

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2 Answers2


I look in the Github repository to see how the hell it works.

I found a dependency on the jquery library in this documentation:


npm install datatables.net --save

Later i searched inside of the jquery library for the input field.


in the line 4182 i just added a property autocomplete="off"

var input = '<input type="search" autocomplete="off" class="'+classes.sFilterInput+'"/>';

Yep, it is a bit tricky, if it works let me know to make an pull request in the datatables github repository.


Chrome intentionaly ignores autocomplete="off" and autocomplete="false" so use autocomplete="new-search"

I do not add the same tag in jquery.dataTables.min.js, and it is certain that the compiler is using the .min.js file

Find the next expresion inside of


'<input type="search" class="'+b.sFilterInput+'"/>'

And replace for:

'<input type="search" autocomplete="new-search" class="'+b.sFilterInput+'"/>'

if its acceptable for you here is a custom search for tables what im using:


<form  [formGroup]="searchTableForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
    <div class="tableSearchBox">
      <input class="tableSearch" required formControlName="search">


   this.datatableElement.dtInstance.then((dtInstance: DataTables.Api)=>{

im running it every time when the forms value changes

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  • as the angular-datatables is giving the search option i want to disable auto fill ,I dont want to create a new function just to search and again render into the table. @GaryB – Santhosh Oct 24 '19 at 13:18
  • okay then there is a SO post https://stackoverflow.com/a/30976223/9945674 – GaryB Oct 24 '19 at 13:29