I just learnt about linked stacks and was coding one, by using a struct for nodes and a class 'menu' that houses all the functions like push, pop or display. I used a dynamically allocated 'tmp' node(not declared as a class variable) in those functions whenever needed. After I was done coding the function I 'delete'-d the 'tmp' and exited. But this is resulting in garbage values in my stack, though I am assured that the operations are otherwise working fine.

When I changed the dynamic alloc to static alloc of the 'tmp', my code worked fine, assuring that the other aspects of the code is correct. I even tried clearing the "delete tmp;" statements inside the push() and disp() and then also interestingly my code worked alright. I was instructed by my teachers at school that one should always 'delete' the mem allocated by 'new' operator to save mem leaks but I am confused so as to why the prevention itself is causing problems.

struct st //creating the stack nodes


 int n;

st *nxt;


class menu //houses push(),pop(),disp()


 st *top;







  void push(); //pushes new elements into stack

  void pop(); //pops out elements from top of stack

  void disp(); //displays the entire stack



void menu::disp()


  st *tmp=new st; //dynamically allocated node


   cout<<"Empty stack";



   cout<<"The new stack is";




     cout<<tmp->n<<" -> ";




  delete tmp; // deleting the dynamic mem


void menu::push()


  st *tmp= new st; //dynamically allocated node

  cout<<"Enter the new element";





  else if(top==NULL)


  delete tmp; // deleting the dynamic mem

void menu::pop()
  cout<<"Deleting the top elememt"<<endl;
    cout<<"The deleted element is   "<<top->n<<endl;

  st *tmp= new st;

    delete tmp;

My logic is correct and it was proved when I used static mem alloc (or deleting the "delete tmp;") so acc to me it should work with dynamic mem alloc as well. But compiler keeps on feeding garbage values to my stack apart from the ones I entered.

I have an idea that I am allocating a mem space to 'tmp' at first but then I am bringing it into the already built stack and at the end I am deleting it when it becomes null. So in one sense I am not deleting the mem it was originally allocated. But if this is so then is it true that one can never use a dynamically alloc pointer as a temp variable? Because then one can never delete the mem without pre-storing the address in another static ptr. I feel this to be very crippling as I can't see any possible solution to the problem.

Any help on this matter and an easy to understand insight into dynamic pointers(alloc and dealloc) is welcome.

Sir Arthur7
  • 101
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  • Research smart pointers. – Jesper Juhl Oct 22 '19 at 16:34
  • You have this statement `st *tmp = new st` at the start of almost every function. You are allocating memory to `tmp` when you just need `tmp` to traverse the linked list. – srt1104 Oct 22 '19 at 16:43
  • The general rule of thumb when it comes to `new` is [use it only when you're forced to](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6500313/why-should-c-programmers-minimize-use-of-new). – user4581301 Oct 22 '19 at 16:55
  • Future bug: `menu` violates [The Rule of Three](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/rule_of_three). – user4581301 Oct 22 '19 at 16:56
  • Well its true that 'tmp' could've been made a class variable and hence no need to fuss about alloc and dealloc of mem. But neither logically or syntactically is it incorrect. Also I learnt the thumb rule at school, and hence I purposely deleted the 'tmp' and actually my code works perfectly well without that statement. But I am still unclear so as to what is causing the garbage output? None of these comments provide an insight to the problem from the computers point of view – Sir Arthur7 Oct 22 '19 at 17:43

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