
i want to change url: http://www.localhost/mysqlimport/list.php?name=EXIM-PRIVATE-solution with


with .htaccess file inside write rewriteRule but how can i change link and page css and other link change in pages..

help me to solve this problem

manoj chauhan
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    What have you tried? Show us your best effort so we can help you on your way. To improve your chances of getting the answer you are looking for, read [ask] – jibsteroos Oct 15 '19 at 06:52
  • i want to show url : http://www.localhost/mysqlimport/list/EXIM-PRIVATE-solution like that for easy to read and .. when i change url my css code facing effect .. not working – manoj chauhan Oct 15 '19 at 06:58

1 Answers1


Add in your .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(list)?$ list.php
RewriteRule ^(list/)?$ list.php

Then SET rules for list page in .htaccess

   #List page Rules
   RewriteRule ^(list/([A-Za-z0-9-,!@#$%^&*()+{}|::;?><~`'./\*+_]+))$ list.php?page_name=$1&name=$2
   RewriteRule ^(list/([A-Za-z0-9-,!@#$%^&*()+{}|::;?><~`'./\*+_]+)/)$ list.php?page_name=$1&name=$2

Use $_GET['name'] on list.php to get your parameter "EXIM-PRIVATE-solution"

Note: Use filter when getting data on page

Use <base href="http://www.localhost/mysqlimport/"> in head of html page on front-end