Just wondering if anyone could show me an example of how the works with JOSSO's partner-app in joss-agent-config.xml?

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2 Answers2


Just solved this today. To set URL patterns for the JOSSO ignore-url-patterns tag you need to use a tag from another namespace:

<agent:partner-app context="/" id="Liferay">

This assumes that you have xmlns:agent="urn:org:josso:agent:core" and xmlns:s="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans".

The XSD for the ignore-url-patterns uses the "##other" scope so it must be a tag from another namespace. I've used spring's <value /> tag because it is a simple container for a string and will work great for holding the various url patterns that you want to use.

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            <!-- ============================================================================= -->
            <!--                                                                               -->
            <!-- JOSSO Parnter application definicions :                                       -->
            <!--                                                                               -->
            <!-- Configure all web applications that should be a josso partner application     -->
            <!-- within this server.                                                           -->
            <!-- For each partner application you have to define the proper web-context.      -->
            <!-- ============================================================================= -->
               <agent:partner-app id="AdminApp" context="/admin"/>
               <agent:partner-app id="HOME" context="/home" >
                <agent:partner-app id="EmployeeApp" context="/emp"/>
                <agent:partner-app id="AuditApp" context="/audit"/>

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