I changed the "Display Name" of my App. But, after that, I cannot build the application successfully anymore. I keep getting the below error in the file Attachment+CoreDataProperties.swift which was automatically generated by Xcode:

No such module 'MyApp'

Provided that 'MyApp' is my application name. I tried cleaning the project and deleting the DerivedData folder with no success. I also renamed the project to the old name when it used to work. But, still no success.

Any help on how to debug further would be appreciated.

Abdulrahman Alsoghayer
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  • refer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36611724/how-to-modify-swift-module-name. It might help you to find the module name. Also try changing Codegen of each entity in your data model file from Category/Extension to Manual/None and try changing back to Category/Extension. May be this might help. – Rohan Bhale Oct 14 '19 at 05:36
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    Maybe this solution might help https://stackoverflow.com/a/20418989 also read through the comments. – andrewbuilder Oct 14 '19 at 07:05
  • Thanks guys, I went through the answers and comments but nothing helped. At the end, I created a new project and moved the files to it. – Abdulrahman Alsoghayer Oct 14 '19 at 17:49

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