I am using SF Symbols images as tab images in my iOS app by assigning them as follows:

self.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(systemName: "ellipsis")  

This results in all images being top-aligned, but I would like to have them centered vertically.

What do I have to do for this?

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3 Answers3


Apparently SF symbols are rendered with system font size by default. So if you add a baseline offset of half that size to the ellipsis symbol you could almost perfectly center it vertically that way.

It's only almost perfect because ellipsis symbol has a height of its own which is not accounted for by this solution, even if it is not much.

self.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(systemName: "ellipsis")!.withBaselineOffset(fromBottom: UIFont.systemFontSize / 2)
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The best solution, which will make your button identical to "tabBarSystemItem: .more", but with the possibility of removing the title and applying Configuration is the following:

self.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(systemName: "ellipsis", withConfiguration: 
UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(weight: .black))!.imageWithoutBaseline()

You have to set the image insets on the UITabBarItem to shift your icons down 6 or 7px (depending on your icon size).

In code:

I've done this by creating a subclass of UITabBarController and adding this code to the bottom of my viewDidLoad method:

  $0.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 6, left: 0, bottom: -6, right: 0)

(You could also do this in your ViewController classes, if that's where you configure each of their tab bar items.)

In storyboards:

You can also do it using storyboards by selecting your TabBarItem in the storyboard and adjusting the insets in the info panel:

Adjusting image insets in Storyboard

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