i have a problem to understand how to create UUID in adonisjs, my database using MySQL. When i'm start server and post data, this id_customer output still in auto-increment model. Anyone can help me how to solving this problem?

This is schema code in my migration file:

async up () {
    await this.db.raw('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";')
  up () {
    this.create('customers', (table) => {
  • 101
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1 Answers1


But you can achieve this by adding Hook on your Lucid model.

First, create customer schema as follows:

"use strict";

const Schema = use("Schema");

class Customer extends Schema {
  up() {
    this.create("customers", table => {

      // Rest of your schema

  down() {

module.exports = Customer;

Let's create a hook called CustomerHook using cmd adonis make:hook Customer

"use strict";

const uuidv4 = require("uuid/v4");

const CustomerHook = (exports = module.exports = {});

CustomerHook.uuid = async customer => {
  customer.id = uuidv4();

Add these lines on your Customer model

"use strict";

const Model = use("Model");

class Customer extends Model {
  static boot() {
    this.addHook("beforeCreate", "CustomerHook.uuid");

  static get primaryKey() {
    return "id";

  static get incrementing() {
    return false;

  // Rest of the model

module.exports = Customer;

While inserting customer details a unique UUID will be created by default.

Read more about adonis hook here: https://adonisjs.com/docs/4.1/database-hooks