Error when i want to use a file from driv in colab

from google.colab import drive

and them

INPUT_DIRECTORY='/content/drive/My Drive/deepcumbia/data/xml'


Could not find directory /content/drive/My/

2 Answers2


Escape the space.

INPUT_DIRECTORY='/content/drive/My\ Drive/deepcumbia/data/xml'
Bob Smith
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This is to add another way which worked for me, i.e. double check the actual directory path in colab.

When debugging this same issue, I noticed Google Colab takes the Google Drive default directory a bit different. E.g. in Google Colab, the directory looked like this, there is no space in the word "MyDrive":

enter image description here

But when I browsed to the Google Drive, noticed there is a space in "My Drive": enter image description here

So, for my case, I changed from:

sth= pd.read_csv('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Datasets/xyz.csv', index_col='abc')


sth= pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Datasets/xyz.csv', index_col='abc')

Then it worked.

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