Searching this only found answers in C++, which I know plenty well already, but how do I do this in Java? I found answers that suggest I need to do the following:

class FixedArray<T> {

    public FixedArray(byte size) {
        array = new T[size];

    private T[] array;

... but I get the error

Type parameter 'T' cannot be instantiated directly
Iron Attorney
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1 Answers1


Actually T is not any data type but just a representative for Generics so you need to initialize a general Object[] array and cast it to Generic Type T,

Try this:

class FixedArray<T> {
public FixedArray(byte size) {
    array = (T[]) new Object[size];

private T[] array;

so for instance, you need to have an integer array it will be equivalent to:

Integer[] array = (Integer[]) new Object[size];
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