I am using to generate rdlc report on my windows application. I have the one main report and more than 30 sub reports, which will render based on dataset values. Everything is working fine, but some time i got the following error when try to generate the report.

An error occurred during local report processing. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

This is not all the the times. Sometimes I am getting these errors. I can't even figure it out. It would be great if you help to sort it out.

Thanks, Thineshbabu

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    Possible duplicate of [What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it) – marc_s Aug 20 '19 at 04:24
  • See proposed duplicate. If after following the advice there closely, you are still unable to solve your problem, post a new question, in which you've provided a good [mcve], along with a precise and detailed explanation of what you've done so far to try to diagnose the exception, what you've learned about the scenario that throws the exception, and what _specifically_ you still need help with – Peter Duniho Aug 20 '19 at 04:39
  • With subreports, this is usually related to an unexpected value from the dataset. For example, sometimes this will occur when a necessary value is `NULL` rather than the integer that the subreport was expecting. As you have 30+ subreports, this could be very time-consuming to track down and it's surely not something SO can help you with. – Steve-o169 Aug 20 '19 at 12:18

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