How can I make git forget that a worktree once contained a branch, say integration-branch.

I have a worktree some-stuff that was based on integration-branch and I did a git squash merge on that branch, which means was reset to actually be integration-branch. However, I deleted the directory (see below). But, whenever I make a new worktree say other-stuff based upon integration-branch and try to do a squash merge, it makes me recreate the worktree directory some-stuff and do the integration there.

I want it instead to checkout integration-branch to the current worktree (other-stuff) and do the squash here and after I have done the push allow me to forget that this worktree (other-stuff, some-stuff) ever existed and ever contained the branch integration-branch.

It won't even let me make a new worktree for "integration-branch" claiming that it is already checked out to "some-stuff" even if the worktree for some-stuff has been deleted with rm -rf some-stuff.

How do I make git forget that some-stuff ever existed? Somewhere, it is tenaciously holding onto that worktree.

I first tried git worktree rm some-stuff. I later tried git checkout dummy and git branch dummy in the somestuff worktree. I have also deleted (rm -rf some-stuff).

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  • I think people are producing confused answers as they start with the assumption that you have only the one standard work-tree, instead of starting from the assumption that you ran `git worktree add`... – torek Aug 13 '19 at 16:27

4 Answers4


So if you merged your integration branch you still have the local and probably also the remote branch there. To get rid of them you have to delete them.

git branch -D integration                # Delete local branch
git push origin --delete integration     # Delete remote branch

No this branch does not exitst anymore and you can create it again with git checkout -b integration based on the current worktree.

Another option if you want to directly reuse your integration branch and you already merged it into master is the following

git checkout integration               # No you are back at you unmerged changes
git reset --hard origin/master         # Now your integration branch has you latest changes on master, so also the merege
git push origin --force integration    # Update the remote integration branch to the new changes
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  • I don't want to delete the integration branch it is a branch shared by the team (effectively a sub-master). I just don't want it checked out anywhere. I will try branch -D some-sfuff and see if that helps, – intel_chris Aug 13 '19 at 09:37
  • I will try branch -D some-sfuff and see if that helps, It didn't. It also wouldn't let me git branch -D intergration, saying it was already checkout out to some-stuff. Nor, in the some-stuff directory would it let me do a get checkout integration (claiming it was already checked out). – intel_chris Aug 13 '19 at 09:48

To recap a bit, you started with:

git worktree add ../integration-branch

(or something similar) to create a second work-tree somewhere outside the standard work-tree area. That second work-tree existed, and had branch integration-branch checked out.

If you have, since then, removed the second work-tree entirely, simply run:

git worktree prune

in the main work-tree to get Git to notice that the additional work-tree no longer exists, and remove it from the list of other work-trees and their checked-out branches. Note that this will inspect all added work-trees to see if they still exist: if you added five work-trees, all on their own branches, so that six branches are currently considered checked-out, and subsequently removed two of them, the prune will leave you with four checked-out branches.

If you haven't removed the other work-tree, you can move into it and change its HEAD to some other branch, or to no branch at all:

(cd ../integration-branch; git checkout --detach integration-branch)

for instance. (The parentheses here are for bash or any other POSIX-ish shell, to make the parenthesized sub-commands run in a sub-shell so that your main shell remains in the current top-level directory of the main work-tree.)

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  • Close, both worktrees were in the standard work-tree area. However, the prune command sounds like what I was looking for. Thanks. – intel_chris Aug 13 '19 at 16:50
  • This is just my opinion, but: it's not a great idea to put an added work-tree underneath a regular one. Too easy to accidentally add the added work-tree's files to the main repository.... – torek Aug 13 '19 at 17:19
  • I always put the worktrees side-by-side in the area that git has created for them and I never use the main repository. The actual pathnames look something more like this: /repos/myname/branch – intel_chris Aug 13 '19 at 17:36
  • So there would have been /repos/myname/some-stuff and /repos/myname/other-stuff. The branch names omitted all that though and were integration-branch, some-sfuff, and other-stuff. We don't squash merge into master, we only squash into integration-branch and we use a pull from integration-branch when we create a new working branch. – intel_chris Aug 13 '19 at 18:11

Do you think filtering the branch against unwanted directory would be an option for you? Remove folder and its contents from git/GitHub's history

I admit that I am not entirely sure if I got your point. My understanding was that you don't want git to keep track of the folder even if it was already added / removed in the past. Then you could also add it to .gitignore if you think this could be an option

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I found under the root .git directory a worktrees sub-directory and in that sub-directories for some-stuff and other-stuff. Deleting those caused git to forget out those working trees. Apparently, they were not getting removed by the "git worktree rm" command.

I must admit the deleting stuff in the .git directory is not something I like doing, but one of my colleagues suggested looking there.

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