I am developing Spring Boot (2.1.7.RELEASE) +Data Jpa + Postgres example. In this example I am explicitly passing EMP_ID value=100 and next I am allowing data-jpa to automatically take next Id which is 101. I am not sure why its not working in that way??


@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class Employee extends BaseEntity{

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "EMP_ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
    private Integer empId;

    @Column(name = "EMP_NAME", unique = true, nullable = false)
    private String empName;

    @Column(name = "EMP_EMAIL", unique = true, nullable = false)
    private String empEmail;

    public Employee(Integer empId, String empName, String empEmail,
            Instant createdDate, Instant lastUpdateDate,String createUser, String lastUpdateUser) {
        super(createdDate, lastUpdateDate, createUser, lastUpdateUser);
        this.empId = empId;
        this.empName = empName;
        this.empEmail = empEmail;


public class BaseEntity {
    @Column(name = "createdDate", nullable = false, updatable = false)
    private Instant createdDate;

    @Column(name = "lastUpdateDate", nullable = false)
    private Instant lastUpdateDate;

    @Column(name = "createUser", nullable = false, length = 50)
    private String createUser;

    @Column(name = "lastUpdateUser", length = 50)
    private String lastUpdateUser;


public class MyExampleApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyExampleApplication.class, args);

    private EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        Employee e = Employee.eBuilder().empId(100).empName("Shrutika")


        Employee e1 = Employee.eBuilder().empName("Shantaram")

enter image description here

Even if I used below, still things doesn't works well

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "emp_generator")
    @SequenceGenerator(name="emp_generator", sequenceName = "emp_seq", allocationSize=1)
    @Column(name = "EMP_ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
    private Integer empId;

Spring JIRA: https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-1588

Jeff Cook
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  • Possible duplicate of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38537463/how-to-set-initial-value-for-id-generatedvalue-in-spring-jpa-for-mysql – asolanki Aug 12 '19 at 03:27
  • @asolanki - I am not convience with the above link, by following : https://vladmihalcea.com/why-you-should-never-use-the-table-identifier-generator-with-jpa-and-hibernate/. Could you please suggest proper guidance ? – Jeff Cook Aug 12 '19 at 05:25
  • @JeffCook a sequence generator consists in getting the next ID from a database sequence. Not in getting the next ID from the ID you last inserted yourself. – JB Nizet Aug 12 '19 at 06:53
  • @JBNizet - Right. Agree. I always wanted to save records by always doing max id +1. Is there any way of doing this with Spring Data JPA? – Jeff Cook Aug 12 '19 at 06:59
  • No. This would be impossible to do in a concurrent-safe way, and would be horribly slow. – JB Nizet Aug 12 '19 at 07:14
  • As a alternative, I must be saying `initialValue=101` if I already have 100 as a Max Id present in DB ? `@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="seq") @SequenceGenerator(name="seq", initialValue=99, allocationSize=1)` – Jeff Cook Aug 12 '19 at 07:19
  • One approach I have seen is to have a sequence for JPA generated Ids and use negative IDs for ids generated by some other process. Although this certainly qualifies as a bad hack in 98% of the cases. – Jens Schauder Aug 19 '19 at 06:45
  • @JensSchauder - I am not clear on this. Could you please show some code ? – Jeff Cook Aug 19 '19 at 07:24

3 Answers3


Ensure the type EMP_ID on the database: SERIAL or Integer. For using IDENTITY with postgres it has to be SERIAL (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/datatype.html#DATATYPE-SERIAL).

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I am explicitly passing EMP_ID value=100 and next I am allowing data-jpa to automatically take next Id which is 101. I am not sure why its not working in that way??

JB Nizet answered that in the comments:

a sequence generator consists in getting the next ID from a database sequence. Not in getting the next ID from the ID you last inserted yourself.

I always wanted to save records by always doing max id +1. Is there any way of doing this with Spring Data JPA

Again JB Nizet pointed out this is a terrible idea. It would require a lock on the or at least the index for every insert including the select to determine the next id.


If you still want to do it Vlad Mihalcea describes how to implement a custom id generator. This should allow you to implement your own generator. Of course this is Hibernate specific.

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Jens Schauder
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This will work:

Prashant K
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