I was experimenting with C++ templates today and got stuck on this piece of code.

template <typename T>
class XYZ
    T t;

template <typename A>
class Foo
   template <typename C>
   class Bar
      C a;

  Bar < A > fx ();
  XYZ < Bar <A> > gx ();

template <typename A>
Foo<A>::Bar <A> Foo <A> :: fx ()
  return Bar <A> ();

template <typename A>
XYZ < Foo <A> :: Bar <A> > Foo <A> :: gx ()
  XYZ < Foo <A> :: Bar <A> > xyz;
  xyz.t = Foo <A> :: Bar <A> ();    
  return xyz;

int main ()
  Foo <int> foo;

The compiler says in the function declaration of gx(), there is a type mismatch for A in Bar <A> of the return type XYZ < Foo <A> :: Bar <A> > and I have absolutely no idea why for the past three hours.
Here is the exact compiler message if it helps.

test.cpp:30:24: error: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for 'template<class T> class XYZ'
 XYZ < Foo <A> :: Bar <A> > Foo <A> :: gx ()
test.cpp:30:24: note:   expected a type, got '(Foo<A>::Bar < <expression error>)'
test.cpp:30:26: error: expected unqualified-id before '>' token
 XYZ < Foo <A> :: Bar <A> > Foo <A> :: gx ()

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