
I have file like below   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 slatbnrduva00.ad.admin slatbnrduva00
# infrbaddc01.ad.lab

Where "slatbnrduva00" is my hostname. Now i am trying to delete that line using sed as below

sed -i '/`hostname`/d' myhost

but it is not deleting that line. Please let me know how to use built in linux command in sed

Wiktor Stribiżew
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2 Answers2


Unix built in commands need to be expanded.

You can do :




But back-tics is old and deprecated.

To expand commands in sed, you need to use double quote ". With singel quote ' no expand.

So this should be the best why to do it:

sed -i "/$(hostname)/d" file
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Use grep:

grep -vFw "$(hostname -f)" file

-v reverse the match, which would effectively remove lines containing the hostname. -F will treat the search pattern as a fixed string rather than a regular expression. Meaning the . in the hostname means a literal ., not any character. -w matches at word boundaries meaning bar.baz.com would not match foobar.baz.com

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