I am documenting my response models, and need to show the api returns list of string.


but the model requires a dictionary(json) format, as follow:

ns.response(200,'Success', NS.model("my_get_model",[{
    "name": fields.String(example="user1"),

I have tried following codes but none of them work:

ns = Namespace('My Apis')

ns.response(200,'Success', [ns.model("my_get_model",


ns.response(200,'Success', ["user1"])


ns.response(200,'Success', ns.model("my_get_model",fields.List(fields.String(example="user1"))))

Please advice.

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6 Answers6


I think this is what you need: https://github.com/python-restx/flask-restx/issues/65

Try simply passing in fields.List without wrapping a model.

ns.response(200, 'Success', fields.List(fields.String(example="user1")))

FYI, flask-restx is a fork of flask-restplus and it should have more updated features since flask-restplus is no longer being maintained due to the developers no able to contact flask-restplus's project owner.

Pinyi Wang
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Try to use doc decorator instead:

@api.doc(responses={200: """['s1', 's2', 's3']"""})
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I think the structure of you model is wrong, you need to write in this way:

    "name": fields.String(example="user1")

UPDATE: Showing a list like a value of a key in your JSON you needs to use fields.List instead of fields.String

    "name": fields.List(example="user1")
Axel Anaya
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  • no, this model says I am returning a json object {"name":"user1"}. there is no KeyValue pairs. it is simple list of strings. also I am not able to modify the api. just need to document it – user3375740 Aug 02 '19 at 20:13
  • Oh I got it, use `fields.List` instead of `fields.String`, I think you can't you show more than one example, but you string will be wrapped in square brackets – Axel Anaya Aug 02 '19 at 20:21
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    I think you still did not get my question, your update says this model ```{"name":["user1"]}``` by api response is ```["user1"]```, api's response is not a json – user3375740 Aug 02 '19 at 20:33
  • I think you can "cheat" passing it like a description in your response, for example `"['user1']"`, I see the files of RESTPlus and I can´t found a good solution for your problem – Axel Anaya Aug 02 '19 at 21:34

Here is the example, How to use model with the response:

from flask_restplus import Namespace, fields
Import <other packges>

NS = Namespace(name="Api Name", description="Api description")

# Model
MY_MODEL = NS.model(
        "message": fields.String(example="some string"),
        "some_code": fields.String(example="SOME_CODE_101"),
        "some_list_params": fields.List(fields.String)

# For controller

class Hello(Resource):
    """Some API"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Hello, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    @NS.response(200, "My API", MY_MODEL)
    def get(self):

        return {some_code: "SOME_CODE_101", "message": "Some message", "some_list_params": []}, 200

Here you can use the fields.List

Amit Sharma
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At first, flask-restplus is moved to flask-restx. Check it out.

Step 1

Define model as an instance or as an attribute to api or ns.

model = model("ModelName",{"name": fields.String(example="user1")})

Step 2

Define instance of Api or Namespace.

api = Api(app) #or
ns = Namespace('NamespaceName')

Step 3

Append response decorator to endpoint.

@api.response(200, model, as_list=True) #or ns
def get(self):
    return 'Your response'
Henshal B
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Try to make your model like this, when you are using model, you have to use enum instead of List

    "name": fields.String(description="your description", enum=["user1", "user2"])

Hope it'll help you, let me know

Boston Kenne
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