As per link How do I completely uninstall Node.js, and reinstall from beginning (Mac OS X), I've tried all the options

But even after that, when I goto command prompt and checked node -v and npm -v, it shows some version. I'm not getting what is going wrong.

I've deleted node_modules folders under /Users/$username

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  • Can you check `which node` command to see which path you have this coming from? – nitishagar Jul 22 '19 at 11:28
  • /usr/local/opt/node@10/bin/node, should I delete "node@10" folder ? – vikramvi Jul 22 '19 at 11:31
  • Yeah - Let's start with removing this folder. – nitishagar Jul 22 '19 at 11:33
  • ok, now it worked properly. Can you please give reference to this suggestion ? Also as mentioned I have deleted "node_modules" under /Users/$username, please confirm it won't have any adverse effect. – vikramvi Jul 22 '19 at 12:25
  • The removal of `node_modules` should not have any effect. I didn't get the part on "reference to this suggestion"? – nitishagar Jul 22 '19 at 17:14
  • I meant from where did you find solution of deleting "node@10" folder ? I couldn't find it anywhere on SO – vikramvi Jul 23 '19 at 05:37
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    Ahh, I didn't. I just suggested to look for which `node` executable was still there. It turned out `node@10`. I can put this out in an answer if that helps :) – nitishagar Jul 24 '19 at 08:27

1 Answers1


I would suggest checking with which node to find the full path executable (ref).

Once you have the location you can remove the folder and that should help removing the last instance of node still available on your machine.

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