
The script is attached to a coin that when picked does that issue. There is nothing to attach in the inspector.

The CoinMagnet state is assigned to another object (as a magnet).

public void Start()
        Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        pu = Player.GetComponent<PowerUps>();       

private void Update()

        if (pu.CurrentPowerState == PowerUps.State.CoinMagnet) //issue here
            if (Vector3.Distance(Player.transform.position, transform.position) < CoinMagnetRadius)

Here is the Powerups class

public State CurrentPowerState;
 public enum State

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1 Answers1


Well, it seems that your player object does not have a PowerUps component. Attach that script to the player object in your scene and it should work.

Edit: A stack trace about the error or the concrete error message could help resolving the issue.

Alex Barna
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