I'm creating a web-based dashboard on an Android device, and would like to open an installed Android app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camera.one.s10.camera in this case) from the browser.

How do I find the scheme and available intents from an existing app?

I understand the link format is

<a href="intent://my_host#Intent;scheme=my_scheme;action=my_action;end">Link</a> 

and the scheme in this case is "com.camera.one.s10.camera", but the tutorials I have read (e.g. Launch custom android application from android browser) describe how to do this when creating one's own manifest, not discovering possible actions from an arbitrary app.


  • The installed app must support that scheme then the system will know how to dispatch other wise it might be the default behavior. – Gratien Asimbahwe Jul 18 '19 at 01:36
  • If you just want to open a camera, you can throw an `ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE` intent. If you want to open that specific app, you needs to know what's the links format that they can handle it (from them). – Wesely Jul 18 '19 at 01:43
  • @GratienAsimbahwe how would I simply open the app? Is there no way to discern that from the app itself? – stephthegeek Jul 18 '19 at 02:09
  • @Wesely something like this? ` Open camera ` seems to just open the Play Store link for the app, but I probably have the syntax wrong... – stephthegeek Jul 18 '19 at 04:22

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