This is part of my window: MyListBox. I would like the space between the items to be green as well (if the upper and lower item is green) but I don't know how to change it.

This is my XAML code (tried to put the background colour in the StackPanel but nothing changed):

<ListBox Background="LightCyan" Name="MondayListBox">
                            <StackPanel Background="{Binding backgroundColor}">
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Time, StringFormat={}{0:hh}:{0:mm}}" Background="{Binding BackgroundColor}"/>

Any suggestion would be very appreciated.

EDIT: I setted the backgorundColor to be a Brushand initialized it with Brushes.LightCyan but I still have the white spaces between the items.

Asia Lucchi
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1 Answers1


Where is backgroundColor coming from? Are you sure that it's a Brush object, as required for Control.Background, rather than just a Color value?

You can use a ValueConverter class, such as in this answer to convert from one to the other.

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