i have machine or hex code in byte sequences, i convert it into assembly 8086 is there any app available for the same purpose.

i have download and install near about 5 disassemblers and try to convert source code into assembly but none is working as i aspect. is there any app for this purpose please give me the URL of that app.

.data:00000036 fa cli    
.data:00000037 33 c0                      xor    eax,eax
.data:00000039 8e d0                      mov    ss,eax
.data:0000003b bc 00 7c 16 07             mov    esp,0x7167c00
.data:00000040 bb 78 00 36 c5             mov    ebx,0xc5360078
.data:00000045 37                         aaa    
.data:00000046 1e                         push   ds
.data:00000047 56                         push   esi
.data:00000048 16                         push   ss
.data:00000049 53                         push   ebx
.data:0000004a bf 2b 7c b9 0b             mov    edi,0xbb97c2b
.data:0000004f 00 fc                      add    ah,bh
.data:00000051 ac                         lods   al,BYTE PTR ds:[esi]
.data:00000052 26 80 3d 00 74 03 26 8a    cmp    BYTE PTR 
.data:0000005a 05 aa 8a c4 e2                   add    eax,0xe2c48aaa
.data:0000005f f1                               icebp  
.data:00000060 06                               push   es
.data:00000061 1f                               pop    ds
.data:00000062 89 47 02                         mov    DWORD PTR 
.data:00000065 c7 07 2b 7c fb 8a                mov    DWORD PTR 
.data:0000006b 16                               push   ss
.data:0000006c fd                               std    
.data:0000006d 7d cd                            jge    0x0000003c
.data:0000006f 13 73 03                         adc    esi,DWORD PTR 
.data:00000072 e9 80 00 f6 06                   jmp    0x06f600f7
.data:00000077 24 7c                            and    al,0x7c
.data:00000079 20 74 05 c6                      and    BYTE PTR 
.data:0000007d 06                               push   es
.data:0000007e 90                               nop
.data:0000007f 04 54                            add    al,0x54
.data:00000081 a0 10 7c 98 f7                   mov    al,ds:0xf7987c10

as you can see the: 1. The first problem is at very beginning of the each sentence the ".data" keyword. i think it so also show .code block as well but in the entire code there is nowhere .code. 2. in some line program is referring memory address that does not exists in the whole code. for example the above given snap of code the complete code starts at"00000000" and ends at "00029dff". but you can see at line 4th it is trying to access memory location "0xc5360078" which is no where exists in memory location. please give me disassemble that may produce correct assembly code.

  • *is there any app available for the same purpose.* Yes, there are many disassemblers for x86 machine code. Many of them have options to assume the code will run in 16-bit mode. – Peter Cordes Jul 05 '19 at 02:49
  • First, does your binary contain 16-bit 8086 code, or 32-bit code? You are using the x86-16 tag and mention 8086 in your question, but your disassembler clearly expected 32-bit code (eax, esp and so on). Second, are you sure you are disassembling the correct range? Some statements don't make much sense (like mov esp,0x7167c00 / aaa without further context / icebp). (Either that, or your code is highly obfuscated, which is not something you should tackle as a beginner.) – idspispopd Jul 05 '19 at 06:38

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