I am trying to analyze what happens when I click a button in my web page. After clicking the button, a spinner element will show up.

The problem is, there is a short delay between the click and the spinner. And the delay varies. I wish to measure the time elapsed between the click and spinner appearance.

So, I'm recording the page using the Performance tab of DevTools. I can see Mouse Move in the Interactions section, but I cannot find the mouse click.

enter image description here

There are some good questions on using the DevTools here and here but not quite what I need.

How can I capture the moment of the click?

Mate Mrše
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2 Answers2


Here is what I got from Chrome Performance when I clicked I'm feeling lucky button. You can see "Mouse Down" event. enter image description here

But you should know the statistics is less reliable than logging a time between the events you expect to track.

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  • Thanks, however, I was not able to see the mouse down event and now the page I was testing is unavailable to me. – Mate Mrše Feb 27 '20 at 13:57

I know you're talking about Chrome, but Firefox has this functionality:

enter image description here

Ulisses Caon
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