i want to download FTSE historical data but i cant download it, i have reinstalled pandas_datareader but the problem still persisted

there are no issues downloading other tickers such as S&P, Dow Jones ,etc only FTSE

this is the following code i used:

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

from pandas_datareader import data as wb

FTSE = wb.DataReader('^FTSE', data_source='yahoo', start='1990-1-1')

i get the following error message when i perform the above code and same error occurs in Anaconda3


" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoteDataError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 FTSE = wb.DataReader('^FTSE', data_source='yahoo', start='2000-1-1')

C:\Users****\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\data.pyc in DataReader(name, data_source, start, end, retry_count, pause, session, access_key) 308 adjust_price=False, chunksize=25, 309 retry_count=retry_count, pause=pause, --> 310 session=session).read() 311 312 elif data_source == "google":

C:\Users****\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\base.pyc in read(self) 208 if isinstance(self.symbols, (compat.string_types, int)): 209 df = self._read_one_data(self.url, --> 210 params=self._get_params(self.symbols)) 211 # Or multiple symbols, (e.g., ['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'MSFT']) 212 elif isinstance(self.symbols, DataFrame):

C:\Users****\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\yahoo\daily.pyc in _read_one_data(self, url, params) 134 except KeyError: 135 msg = 'No data fetched for symbol {} using {}' --> 136 raise RemoteDataError(msg.format(symbol, self.class.name)) 137 138 # price data

RemoteDataError: No data fetched for symbol ^FTSE using YahooDailyReader "

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  • Have you confirmed there is data available to download? Why is there a hat symbol at the beginning of the string `^FTSE` ? Also, the date on your sample code is different from the error message.. – Giannis Jun 28 '19 at 11:05
  • yes there is data available for download, and '^FTSE' has hat symbol because its what yahoo finance recognizes as FTSE 100, like S&P 500 has (^GSPC) which works for s&p 500, and there are different dates because i tried different dates for the code hoping it was an date issue but the problem still persisted – Yash Jun 28 '19 at 12:57
  • it's been a year, so still no workable solution right? – yts61 Mar 30 '21 at 15:59

1 Answers1


I also got the same error while accessing the sti, index for the Singaporean benchmark. The index should be called as ^STI using yahoo finance. I have attached a link here about using the alphavantage API. https://rapidapi.com/blog/stock-market-prediction-python-api/

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