My ask is for structured trio pseudo-code (actual trio function-calls, but dummy worker-does-work-here fill-in) so I can understand and try out good flow-control practices for switching between synchronous and asynchronous processes.

I want to do the following...

  • load a file of json-data into a data-dict
    • aside: the data-dict looks like { 'key_a': {(info_dict_a)}, 'key_b': {info_dict_b} }
  • have each of n-workers...
    • access that data-dict to find the next record-to-process info-dict
    • prepare some data from the record-being-processed and post the data to a url
    • process the post-response to update a 'response' key in the record-being-processed info-dict
    • update the data-dict with the key's info-dict
    • overwrite the original file of json-data with the updated data-dict

Aside: I know there are other ways I could achieve my overall goal than the clunky repeated rewrite of a json file -- but I'm not asking for that input; I really would like to understand trio well enough to be able to use it for this flow.

So, the processes that I want to be synchronous:

  • the get next record-to-process info-dict
  • the updating of the data-dict
  • the overwriting of the original file of json-data with the updated data-dict

New to trio, I have working code here ...which I believe is getting the next record-to-process synchronously (via using a trio.Semaphore() technique). But I'm pretty sure I'm not saving the file synchronously.

Learning Go a few years ago, I felt I grokked the approaches to interweaving synchronous and asynchronous calls -- but am not there yet with trio. Thanks in advance.

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2 Answers2


Here is how I would write the (pseudo-)code:

    async def process_file(input_file):
        # load the file synchronously
        with open(input_file) as fd:
            data = json.load(fd)

        # iterate over your dict asynchronously
        async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
            for key, sub in data.items():
                if sub['updated'] is None:
                    sub['updated'] = 'in_progress'
                    nursery.start_soon(post_update, {key: sub})

        # save your result json synchronously
        save_file(data, input_file)

trio guarantees you that once you exit the async with block every task you spawned is complete so you can safely save your file because no more update will occur.

I also removed the grab_next_entry function because it seems to me that this function will iterate over the same keys (incrementally) at each call (giving a O(n!)) complexity while you could simplify it by just iterating over your dict once (dropping the complexity to O(n))

You don't need the Semaphore either, except if you want to limit the number of parallel post_update calls. But trio offers a builtin mechanism for this as well thanks to its CapacityLimiter that you would use like this:

    limit = trio.CapacityLimiter(10)
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        async with limit:
            for x in z:
                nursery.start_soon(func, x)

UPDATE thanks to @njsmith's comment

So, in order to limit the amount of concurrent post_update you'll rewrite it like this:

    async def post_update(data, limit):
        async with limit:

And then you can rewrite the previous loop like that:

    limit = trio.CapacityLimiter(10)
    # iterate over your dict asynchronously
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        for key, sub in data.items():
            if sub['updated'] is None:
                sub['updated'] = 'in_progress'
                nursery.start_soon(post_update, {key: sub}, limit)

This way, we spawn n tasks for the n entries in your data-dict, but if there are more than 10 tasks running concurrently, then the extra ones will have to wait for the limit to be released (at the end of the async with limit block).

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  • Unfortunately that `CapacityLimiter` example at the end won't work :-/. Each time you use `async with limit` it claims one of the 10 slots until you exit the block. It doesn't automatically integrate with nurseries or task spawning. So your example is saying, at most 10 tasks at a time can be *doing the loop to start more tasks*... but there's no limit on how many tasks they can spawn. – Nathaniel J. Smith Jun 20 '19 at 23:31
  • Thanks for the helpful info and pseudo code. I _had_ wanted to see an example for how I could save the data-dict file synchronously -- after each micro-update, which [my interpretation](https://github.com/birkin/trio_exp_code/blob/master/concurrency_flow_02.py) of your code does not do. But thanks also for the CapacityLimiter example usage. Cool to see the queue build up and be processed via print-statements. – bija Jun 24 '19 at 16:15

This code uses channels to multiplex requests to and from a pool of workers. I found the additional requirement (in your code comments) that the post-response rate is throttled, so read_entries sleeps after each send.

from random import random    
import time, asks, trio    

snd_input, rcv_input = trio.open_memory_channel(0)
snd_output, rcv_output = trio.open_memory_channel(0)    

async def read_entries():
    async with snd_input:
        for key_entry in range(10):
            print("reading", key_entry)    
            await snd_input.send(key_entry)    
            await trio.sleep(1)    

async def work(n):
    async for key_entry in rcv_input:    
        print(f"w{n} {time.monotonic()} posting", key_entry)    
        r = await asks.post(f"https://httpbin.org/delay/{5 * random()}")
        await snd_output.send((r.status_code, key_entry))

async def save_entries():    
    async for entry in rcv_output:    
        print("saving", entry)    

async def main():    
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        async with snd_output:
            async with trio.open_nursery() as workers:
                for n in range(3):
                    workers.start_soon(work, n)

Zach Thompson
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  • Thanks for the runnable pseudo-code! Wasn't asking for it to actually work -- but that allowed me to add lots of print-statements and experimentation-tweaks to learn quickly. Giving you the checkmark because I really wanted to know how I could save the updated full-data-dict synchronously -- as it was updated -- if I wanted to. – bija Jun 24 '19 at 16:15