I want to filter a column containing tweets (3+million rows) in a pandas dataframe by dropping those tweets that do not contain a keyword/s. To do this, I'm running the following loop (sorry, I'm new to python):

filter_word_indicators = []
for i in range(1, len(df)):
    if 'filter_word' in str(df.tweets[0:i]):
        indicator = 1 
        indicator = 0

The idea is to then drop tweets if the indicator equals 0. The problem is that this loop is taking forever to run. I'm sure there is a better way to drop tweets that do not contain my 'filer_word', but I don't know how to code it up. Any help would be great.

  • 43,452
  • 14
  • 75
  • 140
  • 23
  • 1
  • 3
  • is this python 2 or 3? Also, do you have a sense of what percentage of the tweets have the word vs not ? – JacobIRR Jun 19 '19 at 22:59
  • Python 3. I anticipate that only around 1% will have the keywords I intend on filtering on. – Tom Jun 19 '19 at 23:07
  • Can you post some sample inputs and outputs. I suggest adding code to create a dataframe with say 3 fake tweets that are only a couple of words long as well as the desired result after the filtering. Don't use actual long tweets. – Dan Jun 19 '19 at 23:24

2 Answers2


Check out pandas.Series.str.contains, which you can use as follows.



In [0]: df = pd.DataFrame(
            [[1, "abc"],
             [2, "bce"]],
            columns=["number", "string"]
In [1]: df
   number string
0       1    abc
1       2    bce

In [2]: df[~df.string.str.contains("ab")]
   number string
1       2    bce


Ran a small timing test on the following synthetic DataFrame with three million random strings the size of a tweet

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=280))
        for _ in range(3000000)

and the keyword abc, comparing the original solution, map + regex and this proposed solution (str.contains). The results are as follows.

original       99s
map + regex    21s
str.contains  2.8s
  • 687
  • 4
  • 11

I create the following example:

df = pd.DataFrame("""Suggested order for Amazon Prime Doctor Who series
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You can juste create a simple function with regular expression (more flexible in case of capital characters):

def tweetsFilter(s, keyword):
    return bool(re.match('(?i).*(' + keyword + ').*', s))

This function can be called to obtain the boolean series of strings which contains the specific keywords. The mapcan speed up your script (you need to test!!!):

keyword = 'Why'
sel = df.Sentence.map(lambda x: tweetsFilter(x, keyword))

And we obtained:

1   Why did pressing the joystick button spit out ...
2   Why tighten down in a criss-cross pattern?
9   Why are < or > required to use /dev/tcp
17  Why do all the teams that I have worked with a...
20  Why does Linux list NVMe drives as /dev/nvme0 ...
22  Why do some professors with PhDs leave their p...
  • 1,035
  • 9
  • 26