
I was using JWT authentication on my website for login data. It looks like we can decode the JWT Token without a key. Try the below website. It's shocking to me. So is there any better token authentication method is there apart from JWT Token authentication.


You can try with any key. Example from the site https://medium.com/@siddharthac6/json-web-token-jwt-the-right-way-of-implementing-with-node-js-65b8915d550e

Token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhMSI6IkRhdGEgMSIsImRhdGEyIjoiRGF0YSAyIiwiZGF0YTMiOiJEYXRhIDMiLCJkYXRhNCI6IkRhdGEgNCIsImlhdCI6MTUyNTE5MzM3NywiZXhwIjoxNTI1MjM2NTc3LCJhdWQiOiJodHRwOi8vbXlzb2Z0Y29ycC5pbiIsImlzcyI6Ik15c29mdCBjb3JwIiwic3ViIjoic29tZUB1c2VyLmNvbSJ9.ID2fn6t0tcoXeTgkG2AivnG1skctbCAyY8M1ZF38kFvUJozRWSbdVc7FLwot-bwV8k1imV8o0fqdv5sVY0Yzmg

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  • Ability to decode is the usefulness of having JWT. It provides a stateless approach to share information across the client and the server. You should not store sensitive information in the JWT token. Yet, JWT facilitates integrity through signing, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks. – Deepal Jun 17 '19 at 21:59

1 Answers1


The token you provided is a JWS i.e. a signed token. As any other digitally signed data, the payload can be read.

I think the confusion comes from the article you mentioned where it is written Encryption algorithm to be used to protect the token whereas for JWS the algorithm is a signature algorithm.

Hopefully a user commented It [the token] is encoded in plain base64.

Other SO users pointed out this question and this other one that are very similar.

  • Usually tokens are just signed (JWS)
  • Tokens can also be encrypted (JWE) or signed then encrypted (nested tokens)

With appropriate means (session storage only, HTTPS channel, Httponly+secured cookies), JWS can be perfectly secured even if the content can be read.

Florent Morselli
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