This snippet just makes IE7/IE8 crashes the page throwing error. I don't know why cause on chrome / FF, everything is fine.


The problem seems to be here :

            return event.Date.valueOf() === date.valueOf();

The error is :

Message: 'Date' has value Null or is not an object

What's causing this ? Thanks

EDIT I updated my code here http://jsfiddle.net/Zrz9t/15/

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4 Answers4


That script works fine in FF4 and IE8.

However, IE is picky about reserved words. Try renaming "Date" to something else.

Udo G
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  • I changed the name of the var (to StartDate) without no result. Will try updating jQuery – sf_tristanb Apr 11 '11 at 09:52
  • After adding `id="div"` to the HTML code I can click to a yellow cell and (ie. April 13th) and get a 404 error because it tries to load "http://fiddle.jshell.net/_display/Five%20K%20for%20charity". – Udo G Apr 11 '11 at 10:03
  • Sory, wrong code update, i've put back the alert(event.Title) – sf_tristanb Apr 11 '11 at 10:05
  • Works fine for me with IE 8.0.7601.17514 64-bit edition after fixing your `
    ` code to `
    – Udo G Apr 11 '11 at 10:08

Please check whether the Date is null.when you are trying to get the valueOf a null object it is throwing the error.

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Ok, the problem was the following :

    var events =[
{ Url : "azerty", StartDate : new Date("04/17/2011") } ,
{ Url : "azerty2", StartDate : new Date("04/17/2011") } ,

Notice the last comma on the last line (which wasn't present on JsFiddle).

IE was the only one to yell at me for that extra comma.

Problem solved.

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event is probably a reserved keyword in IE, try changing it to something else.

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