I keep getting an SQLException "No suitable driver found for jdbc Postgres", even though everything seems to be correct.

I've already included the "Class.forName("org.postgressql.Driver");" instruction at the beginning of my class, but it didn't fix it.

public class UsuarioDAO implements I_UsuarioDAO {

   //Não é necesário a partir do JDBC 4.0
    static {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
public Usuario autenticar(String login, String senha){
        try(Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/coursera","postgres",password)){
            String query = "SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE login = ?";
            PreparedStatement stm = c.prepareStatement(query);
            stm.setString(1, login);

            ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery();

            if(rs.next()&& rs.getString("senha").equals(senha)){
                Usuario u = new Usuario(rs.getString("login"));
                return u;
            return null;
        }catch (SQLException e){
            throw new RuntimeException("Não foi possível executar o acesso", e);

It all seems weird, since when I try to stablish a connection to Postgres by using the "Services" tab on Netbeans, it all works fine.

Edit: It turns out that the answer to my problem lied in registering the driver before stablishing the connection.

By changing from this :

public Usuario autenticar(String login, String senha){
        try(Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/coursera","postgres",password)){
            String query = "SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE login = ?";

to this:

    public Usuario autenticar(String login, String senha){
            DriverManager.registerDriver(new org.postgresql.Driver());
            Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/coursera","postgres",password);
            String query = "SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE login = ?";

Everything started to work just fine!

  • 3
    1) You shouldn't need to explicitly call `Class.forName` anymore, and 2) my guess is that the Postgres driver is not making it to your runtime classpath. Are you using Maven? – Tim Biegeleisen May 05 '19 at 06:16
  • Ohh, but do you happen to know how would I fix it, so that Postgres Driver gets to my runtime classpath ? Not using Maven, though – Daniel Porto May 05 '19 at 06:38

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