I am trying to send req.params to the front end and use it with various js functions, but I do not know how to access it on the client side with js.

Specifically, I am trying to grab the req.param called namespace that the user inputs using

app.get('/:namespace', function(req,res){
  res.render('chatLayout', { title: 'Welcome to the ' + 
  req.params.namespace +" room!"}), {namespace: req.params.namespace };


and then set a variable named room in the client side js file likes this: var room= io.connect('http://localhost:3000/' +namespace);

However, since I do not know how to make the req.params.namespace accessible to the client side js file, namespace is undefined.

Note: I am using pug as my templating language

I have tried a few things.

  1. Trying to call req.params.namespace or namespace, from within the client side js file, but both throw an error saying that they are not defined

  2. Creating a global variable in the pug file using a script tag before calling the js file and setting var a=namespace or var a=req.params.namespace, but this doesn't seem to make the variable accessible to the js file. It seems like it should work like in this question Can I access variables from another file? , so maybe this method might work but I am just not doing it correctly


    var express= require('express');
    var socket= require('socket.io');

    //App setup
    var app= express();
    app.set('view engine', 'pug');
    var server= app.listen(3000, function(){

   //Static files
    app.get('/:namespace', function(req,res){
      res.render('chatLayout', { title: 'Welcome to the ' + 
    req.params.namespace +" room!"}), {namespace: req.params.namespace };


Client side js

   var room= io.connect('http://localhost:3000/' +namespace);

Pug file

    doctype html
        title= title
        meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1')
    <script src="/gameChat.js"></script>
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='/style.css')
   <h1>#{title} </h1>
   <div id= "chat">
        <div id= "chat-window">
            <div id= "output"></div>
            <div id= "feedback"></div>
        <form id ="form">
            <input id= "handle" type= "text" placeholder="Handle"/>
            <input id= "message" type = "text" placeholder="Message"/>
            <button id= "send">Send</button>
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2 Answers2


You should send variable to 2nd param of res.render:

app.get('/:namespace', function(req, res) {
    res.render('chatLayout', {
        title: 'Welcome to the ' + req.params.namespace + " room!",
        namespace: req.params.namespace


and call namespace from template

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You have to define namespace variable in the head tag, before you use it (before <script src="/gameChat.js"></script> line).

Just use Pug syntax:


Complete template code:

doctype html
        title= title
        meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1')

        <script  src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.2.0/socket.io.js'></script>
          var namespace="#{namespace}";

        <script src="/gameChat.js"></script>
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='/style.css')

<h1>#{title} </h1>
<div id= "chat">
    <div id= "chat-window">
        <div id= "output"></div>
        <div id= "feedback"></div>
    <form id ="form">
        <input id= "handle" type= "text" placeholder="Handle"/>
        <input id= "message" type = "text" placeholder="Message"/>
        <button id= "send">Send</button>

and in your server side, you have to render chatLayout template with an object what includes namespace data:

app.get("/:namespace", function(req, res) {
  res.render("chatLayout", {
    title: "Welcome to the " + req.params.namespace + " room!",
    namespace: req.params.namespace
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