
I have a data set where I have sequence numbers say 0's and 1's.

Category   Value    Sequences
  1         10        0
  1         11        1
  1         13        1
  1         16        1
  1         20        0
  1         21        0
  1         22        1
  1         25        1
  1         27        1
  1         29        1
  1         30        0
  1         32        1
  1         34        1
  1         35        1
  1         38        0

Here the 1's in sequences column occurs thrice. I need to sum up that sequence value alone.

I'm trying this by using the below code:

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

val df = df.select( $"Category", $"Value", $"Sequences").rdd.groupBy(x => 
   x => { 
      val Category= x(0).getInt(0)
      val Value= x(0).getInt(1)
      val Sequences = x(0).getInt(2)
      for (i <- x.indices){
         val vi = x(i).getFloat(4)
         if (vi(0) >0 )                 
               summing+  = Value//  
  (Category, summing)

When I wrote this code error occurs stating that incomplete statement. The value df represents the data set which i gave initially.

The expected output is:

Category   summing 
  1         40
  1         103
  1         101

I don't know where i'm lagging. It would be great if someone help me in learning out this new thing.

  • 151
  • 4
  • 13

1 Answers1


Can be done by assigning each row unique id, and then including each unit in group specified by next zero unique id:

val df = Seq(
  (1, 10, 0),
  (1, 11, 1),
  (1, 13, 1),
  (1, 16, 1),
  (1, 20, 0),
  (1, 21, 0),
  (1, 22, 1),
  (1, 25, 1),
  (1, 27, 1),
  (1, 29, 1),
  (1, 30, 0),
  (1, 32, 1),
  (1, 34, 1),
  (1, 35, 1),
  (1, 38, 0)
).toDF("Category", "Value", "Sequences")

// assign each row unique id
val zipped = df.withColumn("zip", monotonically_increasing_id())

// Make range from zero to next zero
val categoryWindow = Window.partitionBy("Category").orderBy($"zip")
val groups = zipped
  .filter($"Sequences" === 0)
  .withColumn("rangeEnd", lead($"zip", 1).over(categoryWindow))
  .withColumnRenamed("zip", "rangeStart")


// Assign range for each unit
val joinCondition = ($"units.zip" > $"groups.rangeStart").and($"units.zip" < $"groups.rangeEnd")
val unitsByRange = zipped
  .filter($"Sequences" === 1).alias("units")
  .join(groups.alias("groups"), joinCondition, "left")
  .select("units.Category", "units.Value", "groups.rangeStart")

println("Units in groups:")

// Group by range
val result = unitsByRange
  .groupBy($"Category", $"rangeStart")



|Category|Value|Sequences|rangeStart|rangeEnd  |
|1       |10   |0        |0         |4         |
|1       |20   |0        |4         |5         |
|1       |21   |0        |5         |8589934595|
|1       |30   |0        |8589934595|8589934599|
|1       |38   |0        |8589934599|null      |

Units in groups:
|1       |11   |0         |
|1       |13   |0         |
|1       |16   |0         |
|1       |22   |5         |
|1       |25   |5         |
|1       |27   |5         |
|1       |29   |5         |
|1       |32   |8589934595|
|1       |34   |8589934595|
|1       |35   |8589934595|

|1       |40     |
|1       |103    |
|1       |101    |
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