I bought domain xyz.com. I want to have on address www.xyz.com landing page, and on www.app.xyz.com App Service from Azure.

I did (and it's ok):

Azure Active Directory > Custom domain names > Add custom domain
app.xyz.com > added TXT reocord in DNS registry with MS=... > Domain is verified and set as primary

enter image description here

I also created App Service, published app (app.azurewebsites.net is working properly) and now comes hard part.

App Services > app > Custom domains > Add hostname > www.app.xyz.com

I can't confirm domain ownership. What A and TXT or CNAME (or different combination) should I add to DNS registry? I've tried different combination and all were failures.

I used TUTORIAL, but still can't Map existing and verified custom domain to App Service.

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1 Answers1


I can't confirm domain ownership. What A and TXT or CNAME (or different combination) should I add to DNS registry?

You could add a CNAME record to map a subdomain to the app's default hostname (.azurewebsites.net, where is the name of your app). enter image description here

For the details, you could refer to Add a CNAME record.

I bought domain xyz.com. I want to have on address www.xyz.com landing page, and on www.app.xyz.com App Service from Azure.

Because your root domain is xyz.com, you could add subdomain www.xyz.com, but cannot make it like this www.app.xyz.com.

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  • As written below "I did (and it's ok):" I did this and domain is verified. I cannot map existing domain to App Service. I used this [TUTORIAL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-custom-domain) and somethings wrong. I don't know what records should I add to DNS registry. – kzz Apr 09 '19 at 07:33
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    Actually it's working. Just needed some time to let DNS be propagated. – kzz Apr 10 '19 at 08:13