I am trying to create a test for a situation where an Update request throws an exception. Is this possible to do using FakeXRMEasy? I have tried using AddFakeMessageExecutor, but at the moment it is not working:

My fake message executor class:

public class UpdateExecutor : IFakeMessageExecutor
    public bool CanExecute(OrganizationRequest request)
        return request is UpdateRequest;

    public OrganizationResponse Execute(
        OrganizationRequest request,
        XrmFakedContext ctx)
        throw new Exception();

    public Type GetResponsibleRequestType()
        return typeof(UpdateRequest);

Use in test:

fakeContext.Initialize(new Entity[] { agreement });
fakeContext.AddFakeMessageExecutor<UpdateRequest>(new UpdateExecutor());


And in the workflow the update request is called:

var workflowContext = executionContext.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();
var serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(workflowContext.UserId);

/// some code to retrieve entity and change attributes ///


I wanted this to throw an exception, but at the moment the update request is completing successfully. How can I make this work?

André Cavaca
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K. Oja
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1 Answers1


IFakeMessageExecutor only works when you call IOrganizationService.Execute method. So, if you change your service.Update(entity); line of code for service.Execute(new UpdateRequest { Target = entity}); it should work.

Here is a full working example for reference:


    public class RandomCodeActivity : CodeActivity
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            var workflowContext = context.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();
            var serviceFactory = context.GetExtension<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(workflowContext.UserId);

            var accountToUpdate = new Account() { Id = new Guid("e7efd527-fd12-48d2-9eae-875a61316639"), Name = "A new faked name!" };

            service.Execute(new UpdateRequest { Target = accountToUpdate });

FakeMessageExecutor instance

    public class FakeUpdateRequestExecutor : IFakeMessageExecutor
        public bool CanExecute(OrganizationRequest request)
            return request is UpdateRequest;

        public OrganizationResponse Execute(OrganizationRequest request, XrmFakedContext ctx)
            throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Throwing an Invalid Plugin Execution Exception for test purposes");

        public Type GetResponsibleRequestType()
            return typeof(UpdateRequest);

Test (uses xUnit test lib)

    public void UpdateAccount_WithUpdateExecutorThrowingAnException_ExceptionThrown()
        var context = new XrmFakedContext
            ProxyTypesAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Account))

        var account = new Account() { Id = new Guid("e7efd527-fd12-48d2-9eae-875a61316639"), Name = "Faked Name" };

        context.Initialize(new List<Entity>() { account });
        context.AddFakeMessageExecutor<UpdateRequest>(new FakeUpdateRequestExecutor());
        var service = context.GetOrganizationService();


        Assert.Throws<InvalidPluginExecutionException>(() => context.ExecuteCodeActivity<RandomCodeActivity>(account));
André Cavaca
  • 480
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  • Thank you, this does work. Though a bit inconvenient having to use the more wordy syntax in the actual code. – K. Oja Apr 08 '19 at 20:54