I cant find my fail in the code why the secound for loop doesnt work. Please help me. thx

i tried to modify the for code. i tried to look if it works without the secound loop and it does. any idea?

//--js file with the object array which is loaded in the 2nd file--
let inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele = [ 
  { blatt:'1' 
    ,name: ['Übungszettel 1 [2013]', 'Übungszettel 1 [2014]', 'Übungszettel 1 [2018]']
    ,a_href: ['Übungsbeispiele_1_2013','Übungsbeispiele_1_2014','Übungsbeispiele_1_2018']
    ,fach: ['Physik Integral- und Differentionrechnungen','Physik Integral- und Differentionrechnungen','Informatik AnalysisT1']

//----2nd file code segment
document.write('<button class="buttn" onclick="myFunction(\'index\')" style="color:red;">Inhaltsverzeichnis</button><div id="index" style="display:none;"><ul style="list-style: none;">');
  for (NR_i = 0; NR_i < inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele.length; NR_i++) {
        + '<table>'
        +   '<tr>'
        +     '<td style="width:30px">' 
        +        inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele[NR_i].blatt 
        +     '</td>'
      //---- That loop doesnt work =/
      for (NR_i2 = 0; NR_i2 < inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele[Nr_i].name[NR_i2].length; NR_i2++) { 
          +  '<td>' 
          +    '<a href="#'
          +      inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele[NR_i].a_href[NR_i2]
          +    '" >' 
          +      inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele[NR_i].name[NR_i2]
          +    '</a>'
          +  '</td>'
      //----- That loop doesnt work =/ End
        +    '</tr>'
        +  '</table>'
 //----2nd file code segment End
Eduard Tester
  • 153
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  • You should definitely re-write this into something more readable, break it up into different methods and with es6 features. – kemicofa ghost Apr 02 '19 at 15:21
  • 1
    [And stop using `document.write`](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/802854/why-is-document-write-considered-a-bad-practice) –  Apr 02 '19 at 15:22
  • @kemicofa what exactly you mean with break it into different methods? es6 for what? – Eduard Tester Apr 02 '19 at 15:23
  • @Amy i am a beginner atm, but thx for the tip – Eduard Tester Apr 02 '19 at 15:25
  • @EduardTester the code you currently have is just one massive script. How do you test each part ? Finding the issue would prove to be *much* easier if this script was divided into different methods (aka functions). For example, I'd have a method for each `for` loop. Use es6 feature [lexical string templating](http://es6-features.org/#StringInterpolation) for example... would make it much easier to read... – kemicofa ghost Apr 02 '19 at 15:26

2 Answers2


You could take some array methods for iterating the data and build new elements and add them to the body (or any other element of the web page).

var inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele = [{ blatt: '1', name: ['Übungszettel 1 [2013]', 'Übungszettel 1 [2014]', 'Übungszettel 1 [2018]'], a_href: ['Übungsbeispiele_1_2013', 'Übungsbeispiele_1_2014', 'Übungsbeispiele_1_2018'], fach: ['Physik Integral- und Differentionrechnungen', 'Physik Integral- und Differentionrechnungen', 'Informatik AnalysisT1'] }],
    ul = document.createElement('ul');

inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele.forEach(({ blatt, name, a_href }) => {
    var li = document.createElement('li'),
        table = document.createElement('table'),
        tr = document.createElement('tr'),
        td = document.createElement('td');

    td.style = 'width:30px;';
    name.forEach((value, i) => {
        var td = document.createElement('td'),
            a = document.createElement('a');

        a.href = a_href[i];

Nina Scholz
  • 323,592
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I recommmend that you use es6 features and redo your code into something like this.

This uses a combination of template literals, Array#map, and Array#join

//--js file with the object array which is loaded in the 2nd file--
const inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele = [{
  blatt: '1',
  name: ['Übungszettel 1 [2013]', 'Übungszettel 1 [2014]', 'Übungszettel 1 [2018]'],
  a_href: ['Übungsbeispiele_1_2013', 'Übungsbeispiele_1_2014', 'Übungsbeispiele_1_2018'],
  fach: ['Physik Integral- und Differentionrechnungen', 'Physik Integral- und Differentionrechnungen', 'Informatik AnalysisT1']

const container = document.getElementById("container");
const buttonContainer = document.getElementById("button-container");
buttonContainer.innerHTML = `<button class="buttn" onclick="myFunction('index')" style="color:red;">Inhaltsverzeichnis</button>`

function generateTable(data){
  const res = [`<td style="width:30px">${data.blatt}</td>`];
  for(let i = 0; i < data.name.length; i++){
    const name = data.name[i];
    const href = data.a_href[i];
    res.push(`<td><a href="#${href}">${name}</a></td>`);
  return `<table><tr>${res.join("")}</tr></table>`

function generateList(data){
  const res = data.map(item=>{
     const table = generateTable(item);
     return `<li>${table}</li>`;
  return `<ul>${res}</ul>`

container.innerHTML = generateList(inhaltsverzeichnis_beispiele);
<div id="button-container">

<div id="container">

kemicofa ghost
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