I can't archive my build it gives the next errorCommand:

PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

I am not able to run the build in device while run using the provision profile. Is the issue related to a provision profile?

I've tried to reinstall all pods, but still I can't archive a build successfully.

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  • Can you please provide screenshot of error or something? As the question looks a little bit confusing at this point. – Keyur Tailor Apr 01 '19 at 08:07
  • rsync --delete -av --filter P .*.?????? --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "/Users/semantic/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyBenefits360-cfcqsaenoctiuxfhacyjqmbpldns/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/GoogleUtilities/GoogleUtilities.framework" "/Users/semantic/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyBenefits360-cfcqsaenoctiuxfhacyjqmbpldns/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.app/Frameworks – Hemangi Shinde Apr 01 '19 at 08:27
  • When I registerd new app ID and create certificate and provision profile, this issue occured – Hemangi Shinde Apr 01 '19 at 08:29
  • Xcode shows this error - Code Signing /Users/Name/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp360-cfcqsaenoctiuxfhacyjqmbpldns/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp360.app/Frameworks/GoogleUtilities.framework with Identity iPhone Developer: DeveloperName (TeamID) /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign BB26B44F00DE478072C3C388652575FDFC599714 --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements --errSecInternalComponent Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code – Hemangi Shinde Apr 01 '19 at 08:37
  • which Xcode version you used? it is 10.0 or newer? – AtulParmar Apr 01 '19 at 09:55
  • see this post, it may helps you. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51174105/pods-root-swiftlint-swiftlint-causes-command-phasescriptexecution-failed-w/54415718#54415718 – AtulParmar Apr 01 '19 at 10:01
  • I am using Xcode 10 – Hemangi Shinde Apr 01 '19 at 10:31
  • I already try this but no success – Hemangi Shinde Apr 01 '19 at 10:32
  • check this whether it helps: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51649727/codesign-returned-errsecinternalcomponent-in-high-sierra/53552270#53552270 – Anand Apr 01 '19 at 15:50

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