I am using Setup Factory 9 for create my application 's setup.exe.
But on the end user 's computer, the exe is notify as virus with below screen.
How I can release my application?

enter image description here

Stein Åsmul
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1 Answers1


The suggestion is to use a different tool, or to sign your setup with a digital certificate (latter must be done to get Publisher name correct), but first some notes on "SmartScreen". You will see that "trust can be bought" via a fancy certificate (EV code-signing certificate). Interesting concept... See first, bolded link below.

SmartScreen: Window's SmartScreen feature confuses many people, including me. It is a "trust based" thing where you need to make sure your setup is a "known setup" that has "good reputation". I have these old links for you, but can't really tell you that much about it:

MSI Package: I think you might have an easier time of it if you package in more common formats. MSI would be ideal. Certain binary formats and packaging formats are renown as vessels for malware (whether deserved or not). The great tool VbsEdit - for example - which allows you to compile an executable for a VBScript - often has these binaries flagged as malware. Not to criticize this tool (it is great - especially the sample gallery), but that was the first example of "poor trust for binaries" that came to mind. "Script kiddies" ruin the reputation of an otherwise good product?

WiX is the free option (open source). Great, but with a learning curve (see links above). The other tools are great but commercial (costs money).

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