I'd like to return values with the find module with PouchDb

I can't return values with the find function and PouchDb

If i call the function 'loadLists' i have this error : TypeError: Cannot set property 'lists' of undefined

public lists;

loadLists(culture, code_agresseur) {

    this.epiphyt= new PouchDB('epiphyt', {adapter: 'cordova-sqlite'});     

                    // Retrouver les protocoles nationaux

                    return this.epiphyt.find({
                    selector: {
                      ProtocoleCultures: {
                        $regex:  culture+'+'

                    LigneOrganismevivantcode: code_agresseur

        fields: ['ClasseValeurqualitativecode','ClasseValeurqualitative']

                    }).then(function (res) {console.log(res.docs);

                         this.lists= res.docs;

                        }).catch(function (err) {

         // Calling the function 

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  • Use arrow functions for callback `function (res) {console.log(res.docs); this.lists= res.docs; }` use `(res)=>{}` – Suraj Rao Mar 28 '19 at 14:00

1 Answers1


Looking at the code you've supplied, there's no surrounding class. Assuming there is, declare the function as an arrow function instead so that 'this' refers to that class' instance.

loadLists = (culture, code_agresseur) => {
 // code //

Also use arrow functions within that function.

Otherwise, if it's not within a class, just prepend the code above with the 'const' and that should probably also work.

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