I need to write multiple variables (dataframes) into different .txt files, named based it's original variables names. I tried use ls() function to select by pattern my desirable variables, but with no success. Is there any other approach to do this?

Using ls() function I was able to create .txt files with the correct filenames based on my variables (data1_tables.txt, data2_tables.txt, etc), but with the wrong output.

#create some variables based on mtcars data
data1 <- mtcars[1:5,]
data2 <- mtcars[6:10,]
data3 <- mtcars[11:20,]


for (i in fileNames) {
    write.table(i,paste(i,"_tables.txt",sep=""),row.names = T,sep="\t",quote=F) 

I want that the created files (data1_tables.txt, data2_tables.txt, data3_tables.txt) have the output from the original data1, data2, data3 variables.

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  • Use `get` to reference object by string: `write.table(get(i), paste(...` – Parfait Mar 27 '19 at 19:56
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    It's better not to create a much of objects with suffixes in their names. Things are much easier in R if you just collect all those objects in a named list. See this question for an example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17499013/how-do-i-make-a-list-of-data-frames. Then you can list `lapply()` or whatever over the list. – MrFlick Mar 27 '19 at 20:10

2 Answers2


What is happenning is that, what you're actually writing to files are the elements from the fileNames vector (which are just strings). If you want to write any object to a file through the write functions, you need to input the object itself, not the name of the object.

#create some variables based on mtcars data
data1 <- mtcars[1:5,]
data2 <- mtcars[6:10,]
data3 <- mtcars[11:20,]

fileNames = ls(pattern="data", all.names=TRUE) 

for(i in fileNames) {

write.table(x=get(i), # The get function gets an object with a given name.
            file=paste0(i, "_tables.txt"), # paste0 is basically a paste with sep="" by default
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Change the end of your code to:

for (i in fileNames) {
write.table(eval(as.name(i)),paste(i,"_tables.txt",sep=""),row.names = T,sep="\t",quote=F) 


Leo Brueggeman
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