I'm having trouble with a project for my Java data structures and algorithms class. I have a classroom program with an option to create, update, display, or see all students.

Can someone help me by implementing a sorting algorithm and explain it? I was trying to sort the students by grade but I don't know how to implement it with a user input.

Here is main:

package main;

import school.School;

    public class Main {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            School aSchool = new School();

Here is school:

package school;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Scanner;
import student.Student;

public class School {

    private final Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    private final PrintStream messagePane = new PrintStream(System.out, true);

    private int nextAvailablePosition;
    private Student[] classroom;

    public School() {

    private void initializeArray() {
        classroom = new Student[4];
        nextAvailablePosition = 0;
    private void storeStudentInArray(Student aStudent) {
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.storeStudentInArray()";
        if (nextAvailablePosition >= classroom.length) {
            Student[] biggerClassroom = new Student[(int) (classroom.length * 1.5)];
            System.arraycopy(classroom, 0, biggerClassroom, 0, classroom.length);
            classroom = biggerClassroom;
        classroom[nextAvailablePosition] = aStudent;

    private Student searchForStudentInArray(String searchID) {
        assert searchID != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.searchForStudentInArray()";

        int index = 0;
        while (index < nextAvailablePosition) {
            if (searchID.equalsIgnoreCase(classroom[index].getID())) {
                return classroom[index];
        return null;

    public void initialMenu() {

        boolean stillWorking = true;
        do {
                    + "WELCOME to the Student Database Organizer 1.0!\n"
                    + "Here you can store students in a virtual classroom.\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "(C)reates a Student\n"
                    + "(U)pdate a Student\n"
                    + "(D)isplay a Student\n"
                    + "(A)ll Students\n"
                    + "(E)nd\n"
                    + "Enter Letter Here: \n");
            String initialResponse = keyboard.nextLine();
            String response = initialResponse.trim().toUpperCase();
            if (response.length() > 0) {
                response = response.substring(0, 1);

                if (response.equals("E")) {
                    stillWorking = false;
                } else if (response.equals("U")) {
                } else if (response.equals("D")) {
                } else if (response.equals("C")) {
                    Student aStudent = createStudent();
                    if (aStudent != null) {
                } else if (response.equals("A")) {
                } else {
                    messagePane.println("Try again " + initialResponse
                            + ", is not a valid choice.\n"
                            + "Please enter one of the letters from the specified menu.");
            } else {
                messagePane.println("You must enter one of the letters from the specified menu\n"
                        + "before you press \"Enter\".");
        } while (stillWorking);

    private Student createStudent() {
                "\nYou can enter the student's information here: \n");

        messagePane.print("What's the Student's name?: ");
        String name = keyboard.nextLine();

        messagePane.print("What year/grade is the student?: ");
        String agrade = keyboard.nextLine();

        messagePane.print("Birthday (MMDDYY): ");
        int birthday = keyboard.nextInt();

        messagePane.print("What's their ID number? (1-7 Numbers): ");
        String id = keyboard.next();

        messagePane.print("Course(s) taken: ");
        String course = keyboard.nextLine();

        double gpa;
        messagePane.print("GPA: ");
        Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(keyboard.nextLine());
        if (inputScanner.hasNextDouble()) {
            gpa = inputScanner.nextDouble();
        } else if (inputScanner.hasNext()) {
            messagePane.println("You entered something other than a number - the gpa "
                    + "has been set to the default of " + Student.DEFAULT_GPA);
            gpa = Student.DEFAULT_GPA;
        } else {
            gpa = Student.DEFAULT_GPA;

        Student newStudent;
        try {
            newStudent = Student.create(name,
                    agrade, birthday, id,
                    course, gpa );
        } catch (Exception anException) {
            messagePane.println("   Sorry, I couldn't input the student for you. " + anException.getMessage());
            newStudent = null;

        return newStudent;

    private void displayStudent() {
        Student aStudent = locateStudent();
        if (aStudent == null) {
            messagePane.println("Sorry, this ID number is not in the classroom.");
        } else {
            messagePane.println("   " + aStudent.getGrade() + "   " + aStudent.getName()
                    + " (" + aStudent.getBirthday() + ", " + aStudent.getID() + ") " + "\n"
                    + "        " + aStudent.getCourse() + "  GPA: " + aStudent.getGpa()

    private void updateStudent() {
        Student aStudent = locateStudent();
        if (aStudent == null) {
            messagePane.println("Sorry, the student is not listed.");
        } else {

    private void updateMenu(Student aStudent) {
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.updateMenu()";

        String studentBeforeUpdating = singleLineStudentDisplay(aStudent);
        messagePane.println("The Student being updated is: \n" + aStudent);

        boolean stillTrying = true;
        do {
                    + "Student Database Organizer 1.0\n"
                    + "UPDATE MENU OPTIONS\n"
                    + ""
                    + "Press 1 to change the Student's name\n"
                    + "Press 2 to update grade\n"
                    + "Press 3 to update course(s)\n"
                    + "Press 4 to update gpa \n"
                    + "Press 5 to finish updating current Student\n"
                    + ""
                    + "\nPlease enter your selection: ");
            Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(keyboard.nextLine());
            if (inputScanner.hasNextInt()) {
                int response = inputScanner.nextInt();
                if (response == 1) {
                } else if (response == 2) {
                }  else if (response == 3) {
                } else if (response == 4) {
                }  else if (response == 5) {
                    stillTrying = false;
                } else {
                            "You typed " + response + ", which is not a legit option.\n"
                            + "Please check the list of numbers in the menu..");
            } else if (inputScanner.hasNext()) {
                String junk = inputScanner.next();
                messagePane.println("You entered " + junk + ", which is not a legal option.\n"
                        + "Please enter one of the numbers from the specified menu.");
            } else {
                messagePane.println("Hold your horses! You need to enter a number\n"
                        + "before you press \"Enter\".");

        } while (stillTrying);

        messagePane.println("\n" + "Student before updating: " + studentBeforeUpdating);
        messagePane.println("Student after updating: " + singleLineStudentDisplay(aStudent));

    private void updateName(Student aStudent) {
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.updateName()";

        int result;
        messagePane.println("The student's name is: " + aStudent.getName());
        messagePane.print("Now it is...: ");
        String name = keyboard.nextLine();
        result = aStudent.setName(name);
        messagePane.println("\nUpdate status: "
                + Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result) );
        messagePane.println("\nFinalized changes: " + singleLineStudentDisplay(aStudent));

    private void updateBirthday(Student aStudent) {
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.updateBirthday()";

        int result;
        messagePane.println("The current birthday is: " + aStudent.getBirthday());
        messagePane.print("New birthday (exactly four digits): ");
        Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(keyboard.nextLine());
        if (inputScanner.hasNextInt()) {
            int birthday = keyboard.nextInt();
            result = aStudent.setBirthday(birthday);
            messagePane.println("Update status: "
                    + Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));
            messagePane.println("Finalized Changes: " );
        } else {
            messagePane.println("You didn't enter a number\n"
                    + "Please Check the Format MMDDYY \n\n"
                    + "Sorry, no changes were made.");

    private void updateGrade(Student aStudent) {
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.updateGrade()";

        int result;
        messagePane.println("The student's grade is: " + aStudent.getGrade());
        messagePane.print("Now it is... (at least three characters: ");
        String agrade = keyboard.nextLine();
        result = aStudent.setGrade(agrade);
        messagePane.println("Update status: "
                + Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));
        messagePane.println("Finalized Changes: " + singleLineStudentDisplay(aStudent));

    private void updateCourse(Student aStudent){
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.updateCourse()";

        int result;
        messagePane.println("The course(s) taken are: " + aStudent.getCourse());
        messagePane.print("Now it is...: ");
        String course = keyboard.nextLine();
        result = aStudent.setCourse(course);
        messagePane.println("Update status: "
                + Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));
        messagePane.println("Finalized Changes: " + singleLineStudentDisplay(aStudent));

    private void updateGpa(Student aStudent){
        assert aStudent != null: "Null parameter supplied to School.updateGpa()";

        int result;
        messagePane.println("GPA is: " + aStudent.getGpa());
        messagePane.print("Now it is... (Must be Postive Number): ");
        Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(keyboard.nextLine());
        double gpa;
        if (inputScanner.hasNextDouble())
            gpa = keyboard.nextDouble();
            messagePane.println("You entered something other than a number - " +
              "GPA is back to default " + Student.DEFAULT_GPA);
            gpa = Student.DEFAULT_GPA;
        result = aStudent.setGPA(gpa);
        messagePane.println("Update status: " +
        messagePane.println("Finalized Changes" + singleLineStudentDisplay(aStudent));

    private void gpa() {
        int studentCount = nextAvailablePosition;

        if (studentCount > 0) {
            messagePane.println("\nThe student database has " + studentCount + " student(s):");

            messagePane.printf(" %25s, %-35s (%4s, %13s) %-30s  %9s \n",
                    "Grade/Standing", "Student's Name", "Birthday", "ID Number",
                    "Course(s) taken", "GPA");
            int index = 0;
            while (index < studentCount) {
                Student temp = classroom[index];
               messagePane.printf(" %25s, %-35s (%4d, %-13s) %-30s  %9.2f \n",
                        temp.getGrade().length() < 25
                        ? temp.getGrade() : temp.getGrade().substring(0, 25),
                        temp.getName().length() < 35
                        ? temp.getName() : temp.getName().substring(0, 35),
                        temp.getCourse().length() < 30
                        ? temp.getCourse() : temp.getCourse().substring(0, 30),
        } else {
            messagePane.println("The classroom is currently empty.");

    private Student locateStudent() {
        Student aStudent;
        messagePane.print("\nEnter the Student's ID you would like to find: ");
        Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(keyboard.nextLine());
        if (inputScanner.hasNext()) {
            String searchID = inputScanner.next();
            aStudent = searchForStudentInArray(searchID);
        } else {
            messagePane.println("Please enter an ID");
            aStudent = null;
        return aStudent;

    private String singleLineStudentDisplay(Student aStudent) {
        assert aStudent != null : "Null parameter supplied to School.singleLineStudentDisplay()";

        return aStudent.getGrade() + ", " + aStudent.getName() + " ("
                + aStudent.getID() + ", " + aStudent.getBirthday() + ") "
                + aStudent.getCourse() + "  GPA: " + aStudent.getGpa();

Here is Student :

package student;

public class Student {

    public static final int SET_SUCCESSFUL = 0;
    public static final int GRADE_CANNOT_BE_NULL = -1;
    public static final int GRADE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = -2;
    public static final int GRADE_MUST_BE_AT_LEAST_SIX_CHARACTERS = -3;
    public static final int NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL = -11;
    public static final int NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = -12;
    public static final int BIRTHDAY_MUST_BE_EXACTLY_SIX_DIGITS_CHECK_FORMAT = -24;
    public static final int ID_MUST_BE_ONE_OR_SEVEN_NUMBERS = -31;
    public static final int ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL = -32;
    public static final int ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = -33;
    public static final int COURSE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = -41;
    public static final int GPA_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE = -51;

    public static final double DEFAULT_GPA = 0.0;

    private String name;
    private String grade;
    private int birthday;
    private String id;
    private String course;
    private double gpa;

    private Student() {

    public static Student create(String theName,
            String theGrade, int theBirthday,String theId,
            String theCourse, double theGpa) throws Exception {
        Student newStudent = new Student();

        int result;

        result = newStudent.setName(theName);
        if (result != SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new Exception(Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));}

        result = newStudent.setGrade(theGrade);
        if (result != SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new Exception(Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));}
        result = newStudent.setBirthday(theBirthday);
        if (result != SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new Exception(Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));}
        result = newStudent.setId(theId);
        if (result != SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new Exception(Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));}
        result = newStudent.setCourse(theCourse);
        if (result != SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new Exception(Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));}
        result = newStudent.setGPA(theGpa);
        if (result != SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new Exception(Student.getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(result));}

        return newStudent;}

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="------------------------------------------------------------------------------"> /* */
    // </editor-fold>
    public String getName() {
        return name;}
    public String getGrade() {
        return grade;}
    public int getBirthday() {
        return birthday;}
    public String getID() {
        return id;}
    public String getCourse() {
        return course;}
    public double getGpa() {
        return gpa;}

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(name);
        temp.append("\nwho is a ");
        temp.append("\nwith a Birthday on ");
        temp.append("\nID Number ");
        temp.append("\nwho takes ");
        temp.append("\nwith a GPA of ");
        temp.append(' ');

        return temp.toString();

    public static String getDescriptionOfReturnedSignal(int aSignal) {

        if (aSignal == SET_SUCCESSFUL) {
            return "SET_SUCCESSFUL";}
        if (aSignal == GRADE_CANNOT_BE_NULL) {
            return "GRADE_CANNOT_BE_NULL";}
        if (aSignal == GRADE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) {
            return "GRADE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY";}
        if (aSignal == NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL) {
            return "NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL";}
        if (aSignal == NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) {
            return "NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY";}
        if (aSignal == ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL) {
            return "ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL";}
        if (aSignal == ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) {
            return "ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY";}
        if (aSignal == ID_MUST_BE_ONE_OR_SEVEN_NUMBERS) {
            return "ID_MUST_BE_ONE_OR_SEVEN_NUMBERS";}
        if (aSignal == COURSE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY) {
            return "COURSE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY";}
        if (aSignal == GPA_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE) {
            return "GPA_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE";}

        return "Sorry, but the signal value " + aSignal + " is not recognized.";

    public int setName(String theName) {
        if (theName == null) {
            return NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL;
        String trimmedName = theName.trim();
        if (trimmedName.isEmpty()) {
            return NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY;
        name = trimmedName;
        return SET_SUCCESSFUL;

    public int setGrade(String theGrade) {
        if (theGrade == null) {
            return GRADE_CANNOT_BE_NULL;
        String trimmedGrade = theGrade.trim();
        if (trimmedGrade.isEmpty()) {
            return GRADE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY;
        if (trimmedGrade.length() < 6) {
        grade = trimmedGrade;
        return SET_SUCCESSFUL;

    public int setBirthday(int theBirthday) {
        if (theBirthday <= 7) {

        birthday = theBirthday;
        return SET_SUCCESSFUL;

    private int setId(String theId) {
        if (theId == null) {
            return ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL;
        String trimmedId = theId.trim();
        if (trimmedId.isEmpty()) {
            return ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY;
        if (trimmedId.length() != 1 && trimmedId.length() != 7) {
            return ID_MUST_BE_ONE_OR_SEVEN_NUMBERS;
        id = trimmedId;
        return SET_SUCCESSFUL;

    public int setCourse(String theCourse) {
        if (theCourse == null) {
            course = "";
            return SET_SUCCESSFUL;
        String trimmedCourse = theCourse.trim();
        if (trimmedCourse.isEmpty()) {
            return COURSE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY;
        course = trimmedCourse;
        return SET_SUCCESSFUL;

    public int setGPA(double theGPA) {
        if (theGPA < 0.0) {
            return GPA_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE;
        gpa = theGPA;
        return SET_SUCCESSFUL;

    public String getbirthday() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
Mark Rotteveel
  • 82,132
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    That's a lot of code. I think you need a more specific question or your current one will be put on hold – LppEdd Mar 08 '19 at 18:08

1 Answers1


Don't have sufficient reputation to comment so adding as answer.

You must remove the current code and specify only the snippets that you tried for 1) Reading the inputs, which I see you are using Scanner 2) What's your approach for sorting

To guide you on this considering this is your classroom program, look at these:

How to read inputs: How can I read input from the console using the Scanner class in Java?

When should a class be Comparable and/or Comparator?

and then sorting:

A Baldino
  • 168
  • 10