What I want to do is refreshing the view on back key. So that my user can see updated page.

So I tried to disable cache by adding:


However, it doesn't work.

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    I'm fairly certain that browsers will load a cached version regardless of your cache control header configuration if you use the browser history (eg. a back button). JavaScript code is still executed though, and by creating a proper event listener, you should be able to reload a page in case you're using the back button, as mentioned in [this question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43043113/how-to-force-reloading-a-page-when-using-browser-back-button). – g00glen00b Mar 08 '19 at 09:26

1 Answers1


You can specify which cache type to use by adding spring.cache.type to your configuration. To disable it set the value to NONE.

Patel Romil
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