I have a data set like this.

enter image description here

I need to write a query which gives me the below output enter image description here

for every SessionID and VisitID, it should sort based on the date_time Column and provide me with the First Category and the Last Category.

I have used the following code

 rank() OVER( PARTITION BY SessionID
            , VisitID

        ORDER by
            date_Time DESC ) as click_rank_last
where click_rank_last = 1

to get the last Category. But what I need is to get the first and the last in a single query with minimum hit to the data base as the data is huge and querying in costly.

Need the most optimum query!

Gordon Linoff
  • 1,122,135
  • 50
  • 484
  • 624
Rakesh Das
  • 23
  • 5

1 Answers1


One way would be:

select distinct
       first_value(category) over (
            partition by sessionid, visitid
            order by date_time
            rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following),
       last_value(category) over (
            partition by sessionid, visitid
            order by date_time
            rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)
from   tbl
  • 211,288
  • 25
  • 175
  • 211