And I can't access div tag on body's child at [9] , [11]

I use bd.firstChild, bd.childNodes[n] before but null always appears


<meta charset="EUC-KR">
<title>Insert title here</title>
  var rt = document.getRootNode();
  document.write(rt.nodeName + " "); //document
  var ht = rt.firstChild;
  document.write(ht.nodeName + " "); // html
  var hd = ht.firstChild;
  document.write(hd.nodeName + " "); // head
  var bd = hd.nextSibling;
  document.write(bd.nodeName + " "); // body
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2 Answers2


Before you edited the snippet to document.write before the document was completed, I created the code below - you many NOT use document.write after the document is completed but you CANNOT show the tags/nodes before they are rendered:

It seems there is some strange going's on with just getting the nodes - Chrome adds a newline after the head before the body

This shows this issue

You want to check out https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType

<!doctype html>


    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeFilter/acceptNode

    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker

    var nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator(
      // Node to use as root

      // Only consider nodes that are text nodes (nodeType 3)

      // Object containing the function to use for the acceptNode method
      // of the NodeFilter
        acceptNode: function(node) {
          // Logic to determine whether to accept, reject or skip node
          // In this case, only accept nodes that have content
          // other than whitespace
          if (!/^\s*$/.test(node.data)) {
            return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

    // Show the content of every non-empty text node that is a child of root
    var node;

    while ((node = nodeIterator.nextNode())) {

    /* ----------- Older code ------------- */
        var rt = document.getRootNode();
        console.log("Root", rt.nodeName + " "); //document
        var ht = rt.firstChild;
        console.log("Root's firstChild", ht.nodeName + " "); // html
        var HTML = ht.nextSibling;
        console.log("html's nextSibling", HTML.nodeName + " "); // HTML
        var HEAD = HTML.firstChild;
        console.log("Html's firstChild", HEAD.nodeName + " "); // HEAD
        var newLine = HEAD.nextSibling;
        var BODY = newLine.nextSibling;

        console.log("newLine's nextSibling", BODY.nodeName + " "); // BODY

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  • The browsers' web-page parser (and document-builder) is paused whenever a <script> element is encountered (assuming it doesn't have async or defer attributes).
  • document.write causes the argument text to be added to the document stream immediately when invoked.
    • The argument text is appended to the currently parsed document text then fed into the document builder synchronously.
      • This synchronous behaviour, and the fact parsing text and creating document nodes from it is expensive, is why document.write is deprecated and its use discouraged.
  • You are passing human-readable text into document.write so new #text nodes will be added immediately where the <script> element is, which is inside the <head> element.
  • But all of that is irrelevant because in your case your <html>'s firstChild is actually a #text node comprised of the whitespace betwen <html> and <head>, the only way to eliminate this is by having <html><head> instead of <html>(#text "\r\n\r\n")<head>.
  • var bd is not the <body> element. Use your debugger.
  • Also, avoid using the node-based DOM API because it includes things like whitespace #text nodes and comments. It's usually better to use the Element-based DOM API instead.
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