I'm trying to rebuild a web app example that uses Firebase Cloud Functions and Firestore. When deploying a function I get the following error:

src/index.ts:45:18 - error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
45     const data = change.after.data();

This is the function:

export const archiveChat = functions.firestore
  .onUpdate(change => {
    const data = change.after.data();

    const maxLen = 100;
    const msgLen = data.messages.length;
    const charLen = JSON.stringify(data).length;

    const batch = db.batch();

    if (charLen >= 10000 || msgLen >= maxLen) {

      // Always delete at least 1 message
      const deleteCount = msgLen - maxLen <= 0 ? 1 : msgLen - maxLen
      data.messages.splice(0, deleteCount);

      const ref = db.collection("chats").doc(change.after.id);

      batch.set(ref, data, { merge: true });

      return batch.commit();
    } else {
      return null;

I'm just trying to deploy the function to test it. And already searched the web for similar problems, but couldn't find any other posts that match my problem.

Constantin Beer
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3 Answers3


With the release of TypeScript 3.7, optional chaining (the ? operator) is now officially available.

As such, you can simplify your expression to the following:

const data = change?.after?.data();

You may read more about it from that version's release notes, which cover other interesting features released on that version.

Run the following to install the latest stable release of TypeScript.

npm install typescript

That being said, Optional Chaining can be used alongside Nullish Coalescing to provide a fallback value when dealing with null or undefined values

const data = change?.after?.data() ?? someOtherData();

Additional points:

If you are using optional chaining in the conditional if statements, you will still need to ensure that you are doing proper value/type equality checking.

The following will fail in strict TypeScript, as you are possibly comparing an undefined value with a number.

if (_?.childs?.length > 0) 

Instead, this is what you should be doing:

if (_?.childs && _.childs.length > 0) 
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    Had the issue for an array on an object even with optional chaining. – ToMissTheMarc Mar 26 '20 at 04:31
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    Unfortunately it's difficult to format code in comments but here it goes... I had to supply the undefined check because it would throw "Object is possibly Undefined": if (listingData && listingData.images) { image = listingData?.images[0]?.imageUrl; } – ToMissTheMarc Mar 26 '20 at 05:38
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    I'm thinking, is `images` optional field here? Thats why it could be `undefined`? In that case, do you wanna try this? `if (listingData?.images) { image = listingData?.images?.[0].imageUrl; }` – wentjun Mar 26 '20 at 10:31
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    even with optional chaining I still have the error if (_?.childs?.length > 0) – Ehsan sarshar Jun 08 '20 at 04:57
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    Is there any way to disable that check? I don't think it's useful in typescript at all. Update: Just add `"strictNullChecks": false,` to the tsconfig.json file. – ADM-IT Mar 30 '21 at 13:56
  • @Ehsansarshar apologies for the late response, but I have addressed your issue on my post in a recent update – wentjun Apr 01 '21 at 08:12
  • @ADM-IT you might disable it, but it is still beneficial to do strict null/type checks. – wentjun Apr 01 '21 at 08:13
  • ok I will check that later. upvoted – Ehsan sarshar Apr 01 '21 at 08:59

Edit / Update:

If you are using Typescript 3.7 or newer you can now also do:

    const data = change?.after?.data();

    if(!data) {
      console.error('No data here!');
       return null

    const maxLen = 100;
    const msgLen = data.messages.length;
    const charLen = JSON.stringify(data).length;

    const batch = db.batch();

    if (charLen >= 10000 || msgLen >= maxLen) {

      // Always delete at least 1 message
      const deleteCount = msgLen - maxLen <= 0 ? 1 : msgLen - maxLen
      data.messages.splice(0, deleteCount);

      const ref = db.collection("chats").doc(change.after.id);

      batch.set(ref, data, { merge: true });

      return batch.commit();
    } else {
      return null;

Original Response

Typescript is saying that change or data is possibly undefined (depending on what onUpdate returns).

So you should wrap it in a null/undefined check:

if(change && change.after && change.after.data){
    const data = change.after.data();

    const maxLen = 100;
    const msgLen = data.messages.length;
    const charLen = JSON.stringify(data).length;

    const batch = db.batch();

    if (charLen >= 10000 || msgLen >= maxLen) {

      // Always delete at least 1 message
      const deleteCount = msgLen - maxLen <= 0 ? 1 : msgLen - maxLen
      data.messages.splice(0, deleteCount);

      const ref = db.collection("chats").doc(change.after.id);

      batch.set(ref, data, { merge: true });

      return batch.commit();
    } else {
      return null;

If you are 100% sure that your object is always defined then you can put this:

const data = change.after!.data();
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  • If I do that I'll get following error: `error TS7030: Not all code paths return a value. 44 .onUpdate((change, context) => ` – Constantin Beer Feb 26 '19 at 13:00
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    You'll now need to return something when that first `if` statement returns false. – Doug Stevenson Feb 26 '19 at 17:08
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    Oh, for some reason I thought that the error related to the change and context objects. #ashamed Now it works, but my code looks very bad, because I had to add an if query for the `data` object as well and just added `return null;` in the else branches. Is there a cleaner way to implement it? #HugeDougFan – Constantin Beer Feb 27 '19 at 07:29
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    With `const data = change!.after!.data()` I get an error, but with `const data = change.after!.data()` it works. Thank you a lot. :) – Constantin Beer Feb 27 '19 at 13:44
  • Ok, I will fix it on the answer too. – distante Feb 27 '19 at 13:47

For others facing a similar problem to mine, where you know a particular object property cannot be null, you can use the non-null assertion operator (!) after the item in question. This was my code:

  const naciStatus = dataToSend.naci?.statusNACI;
  if (typeof naciStatus != "undefined") {
    switch (naciStatus) {
      case "AP":
        dataToSend.naci.certificateStatus = "FALSE";
      case "AS":
      case "WR":
        dataToSend.naci.certificateStatus = "TRUE";
        dataToSend.naci.certificateStatus = "";

And because dataToSend.naci cannot be undefined in the switch statement, the code can be updated to include exclamation marks as follows:

  const naciStatus = dataToSend.naci?.statusNACI;
  if (typeof naciStatus != "undefined") {
    switch (naciStatus) {
      case "AP":
        dataToSend.naci!.certificateStatus = "FALSE";
      case "AS":
      case "WR":
        dataToSend.naci!.certificateStatus = "TRUE";
        dataToSend.naci!.certificateStatus = "";
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