I tried changing username and tried setting it global but nothing is working.

git clone https://repository url cloning into 'convert input'... remote:HTTP Basic: Access denied fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://repository url'

Mohini Singh
  • 11
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2 Answers2


More information will be very helpful. In particular: 1. What OS are you running your GitBash on? (e.g. Windows, etc) 2. Do you have two-factor authentication established on your GitHub account?

You can apply this information to these articles, as these helped me to resolve my access authentication issues entirely:

  1. How to handle access when your GitHub.com account has 2-factor: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line

  2. How to reset your credentials: Remove credentials from Git

These articles, especially the 2nd one, will provide very insightful information on how to manage your credentials, and should send you on the path to resolving your issue.

After reviewing these articles and trying these solutions, if you still have trouble, please let us know. Good luck Mohini.

James Lee
  • 713
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In my particular case, I was trying to clone a repository via terminal and the problem was that I was using my github password instead of the my personal access token. It is a silly distraction, but I hope this answer will prevent others from doing the same thing.

João Matos
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