I am finalizing an IOS app (xcode9, swift 4) using pushpad. When the app installs it asks the user to register "Notifications", then runs NetworkService: PushNotificationsNetworkable and more specifically :

self.networkRequest(request, session: self.session) { (response) in 
    switch response { 
        case .Success(let data): 
           guard let device = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Device.self, from: data) else {   
//crashes here 
       completion(device.id, true) 

        case .Failure(let data): 
             guard (try? JSONDecoder().decode(Reason.self, from: data)) != nil else { return } 
            completion(nil, false) 

the app crash every time (where it is marked "crash here above"). I then get the following message:

1 0x0000000106a0a260 in closure #1 in Pods/PushNotifications/Sources/NetworkService.swift:25

Can you give me any advice?

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