I want to parse a nested structure like this one in MATLAB :

structure NAME_PART_1
    Some content

    block NAME_PART_2
        Some other content
    end NAME_PART_2

    block NAME_PART_3
        subblock NAME_PART_4
            Some content++
        end NAME_PART_4
    end NAME_PART_3



end        NAME_PART_5

First, I would like to extract the content of each structure. It's quite easy because a structure content is always between "structure NAME" and "end NAME".

So, I would like to use regex. But I don't know in advance what the structure name will be.

So, I wrote my regex like this :


But, I don't know by what I should replace "XXXX", in order to "reference" the content of the first class of this regex. But is that even possible?

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2 Answers2


Try this Regex:


Click for Demo


  • structure - matches structure
  • \s+ - matches 1+ occurrences of a white-space
  • ([\w.-]+) - matches 1+ occurrences of either a word character or a . or a -. This sub-match which contains the structure name is captured in Group 1.
  • \s* - matches 0+ occurrences of a white-space
  • ((?:(?!end\s+\1)[\s\S])*) - Tempered Greedy Token - Matches 1+ occurrences of any character [\s\S] which does not start with the sequence end followed by Group 1 contents \1 i.e, structure name. This sub-match is captured in Group 2 which contains the contents of the structure
  • end\s+\1 - matches the word end followed by 1+ white-spaces followed by Structure Name contained in Group 1 \1.
Gurmanjot Singh
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Apart from making use of a backreference \1 to refer what is captured, you might replace the alternation in the capturing group ((?:\s|.)*) with matching a newline followed by 0+ characters and repeat that while capturing it ((?:\n.*)+)

Also you might omit the word boundary after end end\b\s+ as 1+ whitespace characters is what follows after end and instead add a word boundary at the end so that \1 is not part of a larger match.


Regex demo


  • \bstructure\s+ Match structure followed by 1+ whitespace chars
  • ([\w.-]+) Capture in a group repeating 1+ times any of the listed chars
  • ( Capturing group
    • (?:\n.*)+ Match newline followed by 0+ times any char except a newline
  • ) Close capturing group
  • \bend Match end
  • \s+\1\b Match 1+ times a whitespace char followed by a backreference to group 1 and end with a word boundary.
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