
Here is the thing: I'm getting very long hardcoded string and I have to check the length of this string using a conditional statement and if the statement is True, I have to assign that string to variable.

So, I'm going to achieve something like:

variable = 'VERY_LONG_STRING' if len('VERY_LONG_STRING') > 1000 else "TINY_STRING"

Is it even possible?

UPDATE I have to add some explanation - as you can see there is 'VERY_LONG_STRING' two times. And I would like to ask how to use it only once?

UPDATE2 It have to be one-liner.

PS It's for testing purpose only and I have to make it for many times. My script already contain a lot of variables and I'm almost lost in them. So, I would like to avoid some unnecessary use of temporary variables.

Quanti Monati
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    remove the colon `:`? – Chris_Rands Feb 14 '19 at 11:32
  • Pretty sure the OP is asking if there's a way to do it without having to hard-code `'VERY_LONG_STRING'` twice. – Aran-Fey Feb 14 '19 at 11:33
  • There *are* ways to do this without hard-coding the string twice, for example: `variable = next((s for s in ['VERY_LONG_STRING'] if len(s) > 1000), 'TINY_STRING')`. So yeah, don't do that. Why are you trying to avoid using another variable anyway? – Aran-Fey Feb 14 '19 at 11:35
  • @Aran-Fey It's for testing purpose only and I have to make it multiple times. My script already contain a lot of variables and I'm almost lost in them. So, I would like to avoid some unnecessary use of temporary variables. – Quanti Monati Feb 14 '19 at 11:41

2 Answers2


If you want to condense the amount of times you use the hardcoded string, then assign it to a variable:

variable = LONG_STRING if len(LONG_STRING) > 1000 else TINY_STRING
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variable = "VERY_LONG_STRING"
if len(variable) < 1000:
    variable = "TINY_STRING"
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  • @AK47 Probably not, because I need to do that in one line. As I mentioned earlier It's for testing purpose only and I have to make it multiple times. My script already contain a lot of variables and I'm almost lost in them. So, I would like to avoid some unnecessary use of temporary variables. – Quanti Monati Feb 14 '19 at 11:43
  • Why does it need to be done in one line ? It's better to write clean and understandable code than to just squash everything into one line ? this solution here is clean and readable – AK47 Feb 14 '19 at 11:59